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Morgan heard the bell on the door of the shop jingle, but he didn't fully register that it meant he needed to go help a customer; so he kept on doing what he was doing. 

Alex looked around the empty shop and then back at the door, "Yeah, they're open. Where's the florist?" They walked around the displays, but there wasn't anyone around. "Hello?" No answer. They looked at the flowers on display, waiting for someone to walk out from the back or something. After a few minutes, "Is anybody working here??" No answer again, so they turned to leave. 

Morgan tuned back in to his surroundings and jolted out of his seat, opening the door to the shop area as Alex was reaching for the door to leave, "I'm sorry, I was.. watering the plants, how can I help you?" 

Alex turned back with annoyance, but didn't get a chance to express it as he laid eyes on the cute florist. "Well, I need a bouquet of flowers to say 'fuck you', if you've got something like that. 

Morgan lit up, "We almost never get anyone in here looking for that anymore! I can absolutely make that for you. What kind of 'fuck you' are you looking for? Like passive aggressive or 'I hope you die' kind of fuck you?" 

Alex grinned, "Definitely leaning more towards the 'I hope you die' option. I have an, uh, event later tonight and the host is a long-time enemy." They appreciated the passion in the florist's eyes, especially since they had expected strange looks or... really anything but excitement from the florist. 

"I see, I have a few ideas. Do you want a large variety in the bouquet, or one main flower and a few others in with it?" Morgan looked up at the customer and noticed their exceptional height and bold energy, and their oddly pleasant smirk all at once. 

Alex saw when the florist really looked at them for the first time and his subsequent blush immediately after, pausing to appreciate the rosy tint on his cheeks before answering, "I'm sure anything you put together will send the message I'm trying to convey." They watched the florist's excitement grow as he started rattling off ideas and explaining the meanings of each flower. 

"--and black roses symbolize death so we can do black roses with orange lilies as the main flowers with the butterfly weed and cyclamens sprinkled around them. Oh! And tansys of course, they basically symbolize a declaration of war. And in case you were wondering the lilies stand for humiliation and hatred. What do you think? The right kind of 'fuck you'?" Morgan looked back up to see a look of quiet amusement on the other's face. 

Alex smiled, "Let's see it then!" 

Morgan sprinted around the store collecting the flowers and bringing them up to the counter to put together. Alex liked the bold yellows and oranges mixed with the black roses, and a few little red flowers as well, it was definitely the most violent looking bouquet he'd ever seen. 

"Here it is! I hope they get the message," Morgan was little sad it was all done so soon. He should've made more conversation. Such an entertaining customer was so rare, and who knew if they'd be back any time soon, or at all, even. 

 Alex paid and turned again to leave, this time much happier than the first time. "Hang on, wait!" They turned to see the florist walking back over to one of the flower displays and pick up a single pink flower, "I almost forgot, anyone who can give me such an entertaining task deserves a freebee. This one's just for you."

Alex smiled and left the shop.

Flowers to say "Fuck You" -S&D TierWhere stories live. Discover now