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Morgan woke up later for work than usual. 

"Fuck!" he scrambled out of bed and threw on his clothes and busted out of the door. Luckily, he lived just a few minutes' walk from the flower shop, but it was an hour and a half past opening time. When he got there he realized he'd forgotten his keys, "Are you fucking kidding me? God dammit..." He checked his surroundings and set to picking the lock. 

At that moment, Alex turned the corner to see when the lock clicked open and Morgan did a cute little success dance before entering. 'That looked practiced.. maybe there's more to him than you see,' they waited a few more minutes before entering the shop. 

Morgan didn't look up from watering his flowers when the bell rang, "Hi, how can I help you?"

"I have a question," Alex said. 

Morgan looked up and instantly lost his words. He didn't really think they'd come back especially not this early in the day. A blush warmed his cheeks, "Uh, yeah what can I do for you?" 

"You gave me this flower free yesterday, a pink cyclamen, and I just wanted to know what you meant to say by giving me this particular flower. Google said it has good and bad meanings and I need to know if I should give you my number or cuss you out," they glanced up from the flower in their hand and locked eyes with Morgan. 

There was something about them that was so intense, but Morgan couldn't place it. "Oh, well, I definitely wouldn't mind having your number --" he had started to walk toward Alex but bumped into one of the flower displays and stumbled to catch himself. Blushing again, he cursed himself inwardly; it wasn't like him to be clumsy. 

Alex chuckled, "If you can make it to me, I'll put it in your contacts. My name is Alex by the way."

"Oh, yeah I'm Morgan. I swear I usually have better balance. I'm all messed up 'cause I woke up late," he handed Alex his phone and took theirs to exchange numbers.

"I'll text you later and maybe we can hang out," Alex winked on their way out of the shop. 

Morgan watched Alex walk away and down the street, Not bad to look at from the back either, they blushed. Their phone pinged and they picked it up.

 Alex: hey, figured I'd go ahead and shoot you a text, what do you do for fun?

Morgan knew his answer, but he wasn't sure if now was really the time to disclose that he liked to plan and carry out heists in his free time. 

Morgan: oh, just normal stuff, watch tv and shit. I used to rollerskate but then I got old.

Alex: how old are you?

Morgan: 22, so not that old but older than everyone at the skate park. what do you do for fun?

Alex started typing but the bell rang indicating a customer had come in and Morgan sat his phone down. "How can I help you?"

"I need a dozen red roses."

Morgan sighed, and pointed the customer toward the display of red roses.


Alex spent the day in their lair, watching TV and considering which group of heroes would be their next target. That one B-Tier hero had been the last of the ones they'd gone after most recently. 

They looked down at their phone and reread their most recent message to Morgan: "my main interest is taking down the heroes, but I also like to knit and watch tv" 2 hours ago...

'I figured he wouldn't be interested in a villain. Oh well,' they thought, and not a minute later, their phone buzzed. 

Morgan: hey, sorry we got busy. 

Morgan: thats cool i'm actually a D-Tier villain, maybe we could rob a bank or something 

Morgan: i actually saw on the news that that S-Tier villain guy killed a hero and left some flowers on her body. were those the ones you got from me?

Alex smiled, that Morgan is full of surprises. They started typing.

Alex: yeah, i did that. I really didn't think you would be chill with me being a villain bc you seemed so sweet, glad tho

Morgan: yeah, well I would've thought such a powerful villain would send a minion to come get flowers 

Alex: I actually don't have very many minions, and I usually only have them to rebuild my lair when the heroes destroy it 

Morgan: that's cool, how often do they destroy your lair?

Alex: actually, really often. very annoying. 

Morgan: hm, well how about pizza after i get off?

Alex: you're on


That's all on this one :3 i actually hate doing the texting thing in my writing but it would've been weird for them to call each other so oh well. Not sure how long this story is gonna be, I'm thinking at least ten chapters if I can focus enough to write. 

Please leave me comments so I know to keep going lmao, need that good old external validation y'know? 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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Flowers to say &quot;Fuck You&quot; -S&D TierWhere stories live. Discover now