Chapter 1

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You stretched your arms and legs in the air, yawning, before flopping your limbs back down on your bed.

(Words or sentences in italics are your thoughts)

'I wonder what time it is...?'


You sighed to yourself, not wanting to get up and leave the comfort of your futon. You snuggled back up in your soft sheets and closed your eyes.

'...Five more minutes and then I'll get up...'

A great deal of time had passed since your original plan to get up after five minutes. There you were snoring softly, completely passed out, as over an hour had passed by.


You groaned and turned over.

'Im not getting up.'

"Y/N L/N!"

'' you turned over in bed again and buried yourself under your covers.


"Ughhh.." you groaned sleepily and flopped back down on your mattress waiting to hear what it was your mom needed.


'finally...silence.' you thought as you almost were able to drift back to sleep.

"Y/N?!!" she screamed.

you jumped from the sudden outburst, causing you to fall out of your bed and land harshly on your cold floor.

you frowned and let out an over dramatic sigh.

"WHAT MOM?" you screamed back through your bedroom door, hoping she could hear you from the kitchen.

"Finally! You're awake! Can you please come here honey? I need you to run some errands for me in town today!" She hollered back, this time less menacingly. Phew.

'Darn...I kind of wanted to just relax today...' you mentally cursed before standing up from the floor and making your way to your closet.

'What to wear, what to wear...' you hummed to yourself as you pulled out your favorite top and pants. Nothing too fancy, just something comfortable and stylish enough for running errands in town.

You brushed your hair and your teeth, straightening yourself up for the day.
And once you were done you quickly glanced at yourself in the mirror while giving a soft hum of approval.

"this'll do" you said, somewhat pleased.

You made your way to the kitchen and greeted your mother, who was busy tidying the room.
She walked over to you and placed a quick kiss on your forehead before returning to her previous spot, and continuing her cleaning.

"Good morning sleepyhead." she smiled happily.
"'Morning..." you grumbled tiredly.

You sluggishly made your way to the kitchen table, which had already been prepared with toast and jam along with freshly brewed green tea.

Falling for You (Tokito Muichiro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now