Chapter 2: Despair

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WARNING: This chapter contains explicit descriptions of gore and violence. Please continue with caution if these things trigger you.

"M-Mom...?" you whispered meekly.

You exhaled a shaky breath as you stared up at the mangled body which you had hoped was not your mother.

The many bags you held full of necessities you brought back from your trip fell to the ground.

With your one hand still hovering over the sliding door's handle you quickly retracted it and moved both over your mouth in fear and disbelief, while slowly backing away from the horrible sight.

Your mother was dangling from the roof of your home, her limbs torn off and strung loosely from her body with some sort of glowing thread. Her lifeless eyes stared back at you, a pained expression on her face.

You cringed in disgust as blood gushed from the places where her once attached limbs used to be, dripping down onto the wooden steps of the entryway to your home, underneath where her body lay...producing a terrifyingly disturbing sound.


You were overwhelmed with several emotions.
fear, sadness, despair, hurt, anguish. You felt all of it at once. You were frozen in fear. You couldn't cry, run, scream...your body wouldn't allow you to move.

Before you could even begin to process anything, your horrible discovery had been disrupted by the sound of eerie spine-tingly laughter echoing from behind you.

"My, my~, a child?" it said, clearly amused.

You spun around and trembled in raw, blood curdling fear as you stared back at the disgusting blood-covered creature in front of you.

"...I...who...s-stay back..." you couldn't form the right words, you were too utterly terrified.

The creature only laughed, louder this time, in response.

"Do you like my artwork~?" it teased sinisterly.

You whimpered as you realized that this thing was the cause of your mother's death.

You were enraged.

You felt nothing but despair and hopelessness crash down on you, suffocating you.

"why...? w-what are you..?" You whispered, tears uncontrollably falling down your rosy cheeks.

the disgusting creature moved closure towards you, chuckling as it did so.

"I am Makumaru." he stated proudly, "a demon."

"A demon...?" your voice trembled as
you shook your head in disbelief and attempted to step back, but you failed as you slipped in your mother's blood coating your house's walkway, falling onto your back harshly.

You couldn't hear your own thoughts as the cackling ear-splitting laughter of the demon drilled into your brain.

You covered your ears, sobbing helplessly. You felt your throat begin to throb in pain at the amount of strain you were putting on it, but you didn't care.

The laughing never stopped. It echoed in your eardrums making them throb in pain.

" me." you whispered under your breath, your pleas falling on deaf ears.

or so you thought.

You hadn't even realized the laughter had stopped, but once the silence finally caught your attention, you cautiously opened your tear-filled eyes.

There in front of you was a young boy who looked around your age with a blood-covered blade tightly gripped in his hands. His hair fell to his lower back fading from a deep raven black to a mesmerizing turquoise.

However, the thing that stood out most to you was the monster that once stood towering above you, disintegrating into ashes on the ground.

You stared at the boy with wide eyes, still puffy and red from all your sobbing.

"wha...?" you couldn't say anything. Too much had happened in such a short amount of time.

the boy only stared at you blankly.
Who was he? How did he do that? Where did he come from?

Too many questions circulated your mind making you too distracted to realize that the boy was now approaching you. You snapped out of your daze and met his eyes.

Your mouth felt dry but you did your best to collect your thoughts and form a proper sentence.

"...Please, help mom she- that thing-!" you trailed off. You were still in too much shock to process the situation. Your hands shook uncontrollably as you stared up at the mysterious boy.

He sighed and in a matter of seconds had picked you up from your frightened position on the ground and threw you over his shoulder.

Your eyes widened at his aggressive behavior. You could only panic as your mind raced with thoughts. Was it possible he was kidnapping you?

"w-wait! What're you doing?" you asked worriedly.


no response.

You began to panic even more and soon started squirming in his grasp.

"Please put me down! I'm capable of walking on my own!" you snapped at him.

That was enough to make him release his grasp on you and let you fall to the ground, landing roughly with a thud.

You shot him a glare and stood up, brushing yourself off. "Hey!" you snapped, but he simply continued walking, ignoring your complaints.

Your mom had just died minutes ago, you came face to face with a demon and not to mention, practically died, and then this weird kid shows up, kills the demon, and to top it all off,

he kidnaps you.

Minutes had soon turned into hours and you still were walking.

"where are we going..?" you broke the silence.

"Oyakata-sama." he said nonchalantly.

'Oya...kata?' you thought.

who the fuck is that.

Your mind began to cloud with panicked thoughts, picturing every which way this scenario could go, and none of them were good.

You hadn't even noticed how much time had passed because you soon found yourself in front of a very large gate.

"What is this." you stated rather than asked.

You were pretty much done with this shit. You had been put through hell within the last few hours, and quite frankly, you just wished you could go home and be with your mom.

ah, right...your mom.

"Shut up." you heard the boy say from beside you, not bothering to even cast you a glance.

"Excuse me?" you glared at him again, but he simply ignored your look and harshly grabbed your wrist, beginning to drag you along with him.

You walked through the large gates and to a very beautiful looking garden. You then were able to see a large estate coming into view with a delicate pebble pathway and plants of all kinds. 

'This must be where this "Oyakata-sama" person lives...' you thought.

The sight was truly immaculate. It brought peace over yourself even though you had experienced so much distress not too long ago. You exhaled feeling a bit safer now that you were in a place as beautiful as this. These people couldn't be evil, I mean, this boy did save your life to be fair even if he wasn't very nice.

"Hey, Girl. Pay attention. Oyakata-sama will be arriving soon." the boy said rather bluntly.

you sighed and snapped out of your thoughts.

'Please don't let this go horribly wrong.' you mentally begged.

To Be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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