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Zayn's POV.

"But dad, we always do missions on our own," I said.

"Zayn. Trust me it's for our good," dad replied sticking to his useless plan.

"What if the person is a traitor dad?"

"It's not. Just trust me on this zayn"


"No buts zayn. The decision is final" dad said getting up from his office chair.

"Ugh. Fine dad" I said leaving dads office.

I can't believe this. Dad has appointed a secret worker. Who, according to him is perfect in every aspect. Am I not enough for dad? But I guess dad knows what's better for our business and maf-


Omg is she okay?

"WHAT HAPPENED? ARE YOU OKAY? I AM COMING" I yelled, running up to her room.


"Za-yn-yy this buff-alo is n-n-ot lea-vi-ng me-e" and there they were. Sneh is trapped in Ally's hands and he is tickling the shit out of her.

"Sneh. You scared me. What the hell?" I gave her a stern look.
"Aly leave her alone. Will ya?"

"But she poured a bucket full of ice water on me zayn" he whined.

"If that's the case then-" I jumped on the bed and started tickling her. Soon Aly joined in.

"ZAYN NO!!!!!" She managed to see in between her laughter.

"Well, sister that's what you get when you annoy your lovely brothers," I said smiling sheepishly.
We finally let her go.

"Oh my god. My stomach hurts!" She whined.
"I hate you zayny and you too Aly"

"Aw. My baby sister" I went on hugged an angry sneh.

"Can I join too?" Aly said grinning like an idiot.

"Come on buddy" I motioned to Aly.

Oh god. These two are gonna be the death of me.


"MOM. WHERE ARE YOU?" I screamed from upstairs.

There she is. With tears in her eyes. Why is she crying?

"Mama. What happened? Are you okay? Hey hey. Don't cry."
She is holding a picture of our family. Oh, so it's one of those days.

"Aw, my lovely mother. Why are you so adorable?" I said hugging her from the side.
"What happened, mama? Why are you holding this picture?"

"I was just looking at the photo album and the past just flashed in front of my eyes."

"It's ok mama. It was for our good. Think what would've happened to us if u didn't go through all that?"

"Your right Zi. But I can't help but wonder if you 4 will be together always. I know you guys love each other but time will not be the same always. Especially the stuff we do requires blood to be together."

"Mama. I know it's hard to be the same always. I know time changes. But it will never change us. We love each other by heart. We do not need to be siblings to love each other. We will always be together mama. I will make sure of that. I promise."

"Zayn is right mama. We are gonna be together always. We know what we've been through. We know the significance of family," Alex said entering the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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