Gone, Forever Gone

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I woke up to discover that Fang, my one true love, was gone. The Eraser took him, I realized. Angel was away with the Flock, who were waiting for me by a cliff. I ran to them, and all of us embraced. "You guys have to go, meet me by this cliff in six days. If I'm not here, then go to the cave behind the cliff and I'll go there to meet you." I said. "Where are you going Max?" asked Angel. "To rescue Fang" came my reply.

Angel's cheeks reddened, and suddenly I had a horrifying thought. What if Angel knew what was going on between me and Fang? "Ok Max, we'll follow your instructions, I hope you have a safe trip to rescue Fang." Oh God, she knows all right, that little mind-reader. Pleased with that response, I leaped off the cliff and spread my 13 feet long wings. I flew to the School, where the Erasers took Fang.

After an hour of flying, I finally reached the School. I barged in, and made a break for the room with all the cages in it. It only took me a few minutes to find Fang, who was in a medium cage looking like a trapped dog. His shirt was stripped off, and I saw that they tortured him. There were burn marks everywhere, and by the looks of it, he hadn't eaten since he was captured. I ran to him, but I tripped over an invisible wire, and the alarms sounded. Before I knew it, Erasers surrounded me, and they looked hungry. I tried to break Fang's cage, but of course, it held. I screamed, and surprisingly, the Erasers all dropped to the floor, dead. Maybe it was a new skill or something. If it was, this skill might prove useful. I ran to Fang, but a single Eraser, Ari, rushed in and shot a bullet into my thigh. My leg went limp, and I saw Fang gazing at me right before I blacked out. Then I was gone, forever gone.

I woke up, expecting to be dead, either in heaven or hell. But I was still alive, and my leg was throbbing.Dang. I looked around, and saw that I was outside the School. Fang was gone again, maybe he escaped. Clinging to that hope, I stood up,and then collapsed on the floor. No way I could walk without a splint. I stood up again, wincing as pain clawed at my leg. I flapped my wings down, and soon, after a lot of pain, I was flying back to the cliff. And I felt, and probably looked, defeated. Oh well, no victory celebration for me I guess. Whatever.
Author's Note
Hi guys thanks for reading! I really hope you like the story so far. I'm going to try to write two stories a day since I'm on vacation. Again, please comment.

Eat Girl Scout cookies.
Stay sweet.

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