An Awkward Encounter

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Why did I do this to myself? I thought as I unrolled the sleeping bag, Why did I force myself to sleep in the same bag as Fang? "Hey Max, you look worried about something, are you okay?" Oh great, here we go. "Yea I'm fine." I said in a snappy voice. "Ok, I get it," he said, equally agitated. My heart broke with every hurtful word he threw at me. Wait, why did it do that? Did I start to care about Fang in a different way? I couldn't just let that happen. "Well, I didn't tell you to check on me! " Leaving it at that, I walked into a different cavern and used a giant circular rock and rolled it to block the exit. I found an underwater spring to bathe in, and I ended up dozing off.

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter is so short guys, I'm a little busy, I know, I know, I'll try to update soon, as in before next year lol.
Thanks for reading
Hugs and kisses all around!

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