The Symbol of Peace

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Yagi Toshinori, more commonly known as All Might was whistling a merry tune as he made his way towards Nezu's office for a requested meeting (presumably to correct another mistake in his employment paperwork).

His thoughts, however, were focused on his young successor. Young Midoriya had succeeded in showing his heroic potential in the entrance exam and had secured his place in UA. It might not have been a ....... conventional performance, and the backlash from One for All had been greater than he had expected but the boy had plenty of time to improve.

Just as he reached the Principal's office, Toshinori's phone vibrated with the arrival of a message. He didn't need to see his phone to guess who was the sender. It was unfortunate that Nezu had forbidden him from sharing the exam results with Young Midoriya. The boy was riddled with anxiety, atleast that was what is constant barrage of texts indicated. Hopefully, his acceptance letter would arrive soon.

Toshinori opened the door to Nezu's office, preparing himself for another one of Nezu's lectures, only to find Eraserhead already inside, drinking tea with the Principal.

"Aah...." He hesitated. "Did I forget the time of my appointment?"

"No, you're right on time All Might." The Principal reassured him. "Aizawa-kun, however, just got some information that couldn't wait."

"I can come back another time, then." He didn't want to admit it, bit Aizawa unnerved him a little bit. He acted so differently than all the other young heroes did with him around. He had actual never met someone so dismissive of him since he became the Symbol of Peace. Even villains gave him more respect that Aizawa did. Dealing with him and Nezu together was not his idea of a fun afternoon.

"The information concerns you, Yagi. It would be better if you attend this debrief. I'm certainly not going to repeat it all again." The young hero told him, without looking up from whatever he was writing down.

With Aizawa actively inviting him to join them, Toshinori realised that it was probably a serious matter. He entered the office without any further protest and closed the door behind him, before taking a seat next to Aizawa

"Excellent. So, just to bring you up to speed, Eraserhead here has travelled back in time by exactly one year from an apocalyptic future. It doesn't leave us much time to prevent it so we have to put all our efforts into this." Nezu chirped happily.

Toshinori sat there silently waiting for the punch line. He had come to know in the last year that Nezu was almost as appreciative of good humour as his former sidekick.

When the seconds ticked into minutes he turned towards Aizawa to ask if the principal was actually serious. The young hero's face told him the answer without voicing the question.

Taking a deep breath he asked, "What was responsible for the apocalypse? Was it a natural disaster, like Tsunami. Well have to get the international communities involved...."

He was cut off by Aizawa. "It was All For One."

"All For One is dead." Toshinori replied, his hand subconsciously hovering over his abdominal scar. "I killed him myself six years ago. Punched him until the leaked brain matter soiled my hands."

"Was a body recovered from the scene?" Aizawa interrupted again

Toshinori didn't need to answer that question. Everyone in the room knew the answer.

"He is working with Dr Ujiko Daruma to create bioengineered monsters capable of holding multiple quirks but with no mind of their own. He also has raised the grandson of Nana Shimura for the role of his successor completely brainwashing the boy to be against the hero society as a whole and to hate you specifically." It appeared that Aizawa wasn't going to be pulling his punches in this conversation.

Toshinori didn't have time to do anything other than gape stupidly at the time traveller after those bombshells, when he dropped another.

"We'll also need to train your successor better this time." He spoke quietly, almost as if speaking to himself.

"My successor?" Toshinori sputtered. Has things spiralled so much in the future that the secret of One For All had become common knowledge.

"Midoriya Izuku." Aizawa answered, raising an unimpressed eyebrow. "Not that either of you bothered to tell me even though I was the boys homeroom teacher and he was breaking bones every other day. Fortunately he hasn't had time to get into bad habits this time. Get him to UA tomorrow morning, I'll get Present Mic to help him with quirk control."

Toshinori immediately started to protest, "Young Aizawa, the secret of One for All isn't something to be shared so easily. There are already more people than ideal who know about this."

"Aizawa-kun is right, All Might. All for One is already aware about your quirk and your injury. He must be aware that you have passed it on. It wouldn't be hard to deduce who has it after watching UA's sports festival. The best way to protect Midoriya-kun would be to get him better at using his quirk." Nezu interjected.

"We don't have to tell Mic everything. It's your secret, I won't force you to share it. We could just tell him that the Problem child has problems regulating his quirk and you being his mentor asked for help with his training." Aizawa added.

Toshinori didn't like this idea much. But he knew his own weaknesses. He knew that he would have difficulty teaching young Midoriya the intricacies of control. And if things were as bad in the future as Aizawa had described, he definitely needed the help.

With a sigh, he nodded once, relenting on this matter. They needed to move on to other topics.

If Aizawa had indeed come back from one year in the future (Not that he doubted Nezu's word) then this meeting was going to run for quite a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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