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'Natasha Romanoff would never be fooled that easily.' I thought. With everything I had read about her there's no way she would be lured that easy. So that must mean.. that's her tracker. She wants to come to me. That means she'll be here soon. That Russian does not wait around.

I prepared myself with a gun taped to the underside of the table. I thought she might want to talk first since she knows me. I then strapped a switchblade that, from the photos I've seen of myself, seemed like I'd had it for years. With that I changed into just my usual attire. A baggy t shirt and jeans. I also wore a new black smart watch coded and created specially by the mafia. If I pressed a button, tiny poisonous dart-like things would shoot out. You'd never be able to tell that you got hit with one until of course you passed out. I ordered all my guards to go home so I could personally welcome Natasha.


Obviously she found the tracker, but it was still telling me her location. Maybe she wanted to be found. It's weird how she doesn't know her own name. What has happened to her?

I decided that I was still going to go through with my plan and follow the tracker. I put a gun in my holster and hid a pocket knife in the pocket of my jacket before I got onto my motorbike and headed towards the location.

As I arrived I became more nervous. Much like before. I got off my motorbike and walked towards the door of the mansion. I was about to take out my lock pick when the door opened.


I rested my arm against the door as I looked the redhead up and down. "Evening." I said huskily. "So you knew I would come." Natasha stated. "Well princess, i'm just as gullible as you." I winked. "You knew my whole plan?" She asked clearly shocked. "Of course." I replied, "Come in Natasha." I offered as I moved aside. She walked in and her body brushed against mine. Her cheeks went red and I looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"You look a little flustered darling, is everything okay?" I teased. She didn't answer and just looked around embarrassed. "Let's go upstairs." I said to her whilst grinning. She looked at me with a confused expression. "Not for that. I'm respectful you know." I said. Obviously I said that on purpose so I could see her flushed face again. It brought me satisfaction. "I know you are." She whispered before following behind me upstairs.

We were now sat down. She told me the truth about the person we were after. It turns out she lost contact after all. She had it for a little while but then lost it. I believed her. Now we were just talking.

"What happened to you Y/N?" She asked quietly. "I'm not Y/N anymore Natasha." I told her honestly. "So i've lost you then?" She asked as her eyes glossed over with tears threatening to fall, "I've lost what we had and who you were forever?" She continued. "Sorry love, Y/N is just not here anymore." I said. "What about this?" She said as she took my finger and pressed our matching scars together.

A sharp pain ran through my chest and my head started pounding. My eyes flashed red as memories of my life began to come back to me in a flood. I screamed in agony. "Y/N are you okay?" Natasha asked as she rushed around to help me. My eyes were pure red and veins were climbing up my neck. I looked up at her as I strained in attempt to hide the pain.

"N-Natalia?" I breathed out through the pain I was feeling. "It's me Y/N, it's me." She said as she pulled my head to her chest. I turned around to look at her. "Natasha- it's hurting." I said. "What is baby? What's hurting you?" She asked frantically, desperate to ease my pain. "It's everywhere, make it stop." I pleaded. She stroked my hair and held me tightly.

This went on for a while before my screams started getting fainter and I drifted to sleep on her chest. She carried me over to my bed before climbing on there to sit next to me.

Small time skip

I woke up to find Natasha in my room. I held my switchblade out to her as I was startled. "No, you're not real, you're not here." I said. "Y/N-it's me!" She said before taking my hand and putting it on her chest to feel her heartbeat. I began to calm down and focus on her heartbeat. "You're here, you're alive and you're here." I said as I was finally brought to my senses. "I'm here, i'm here." She repeated.

We sat on the bed for a while talking about my injection and memory loss. "Natalia," I said which caught her attention, "Why are you here? I told you to forget about me and pretend I never existed." I asked her. "Y/N as soon as I got the message of a possible mafia boss, around 5'8 or 5'9, brown hair, was trying to get ahold of me of course I would come, you really think you can lure me that easily?" She said. I smiled at the fact that we both knew each other's plans.

"But why?" I asked her. "Y/N it's been killing me, not being able to see your face or hear your voice or feel your touch." She said as a tear rolled down her cheek. I wiped it before I realised what I was doing and took my hand away quickly. She took my hand back and put it against her cheek.

"Natalia you shouldn't have to come to find me." I mumbled. "You think that you can hide Y/N. But i'm crazy about you. I'd do anything in my power to get you back." She told me. "Natasha what are you doing to me?" I said lowly, "We can never seem to stop running into each other or seeing each other. We're supposed to be enemies." I continued. "Y/N you're like a drug to me. You're killing me." She told me truthfully. "Natalia can't you see, I need you to cut me out of your life entirely. I won't ever get over you so I need you to get over me. Please." I asked, "You'll be able to start over without me. Run free. Have a normal life. You can't have that with me." "Y/N Y/L/N you're the only one for me. I want you." She whispered. "There's plenty of fish in the sea Natasha." I said as I tried to convince her to leave me. "You can pretend that this is how it's meant to be however much you want Y/N. We both know we need each other." She snapped back. "You just can't seem to stay away from me can you?" I said, "This all happened because of you Natasha, you know that." "I know..." She said sadly. "I'm a criminal to you and I always will be. That doesn't change." I said. "Y/N I swear to you I didn't mean that-" I cut her off and said "Natasha things like that don't just slip out, you meant it." "Y/N I was scared. This team, they're my family. I used to have nothing and they were the first people that saw me for what I could be rather than what I was."

"It's always going to be Bruce for you. It's always going to be the team." I said. "Y/N i've been looking for you everywhere. I came here for you." She replied. "Natalia, you can stop pretending it's me you need. I know that it's not." "That's not even close to the truth Y/N." She told me. "Natasha I loved you, I needed you. All you needed was a distraction. I was your distraction." I told her. "I would die for you Y/N Y/L/N. However many times you wanted me to. I would go to hell and back for you." She said. "Natalia stop. You're hurting yourself with them words." I replied.

"Baby I just want you."

To My Dearly Detested Natasha...Where stories live. Discover now