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Anarchy's Point of View

Falling. It didn't feel like I thought it would, it felt like flying without a pair of wings. The air around my body caressed me like it was trying to tell me it was okay, that I had nothing to be afraid of. Landing was a bit different. I was rudely reminded of how the ground actually felt. Looming over me more than the pain of it all was the fact that my fading time was cut in half. I had twelve hours to find a host before I could even think about what came next. The little bush I landed in, did nothing to cushion me, instead it pricked my body and poked uncomfortably at my open wound.  Landing into an uncomfortable bush wasn't part of the deal. True, it only took a couple of minutes and it wasn't anything I couldn't wrap my head around. Did not make me feel like I wasn't a huge piece of shit.

Rather than quickly getting up and beginning the search for a suitable host, I laid in the bush. I don't know how long I laid there, clutching my bleeding stomach, but it was long enough for me to tell the fading process had long since begun and I was almost at the halfway mark already. This is not how I imagined it to be. Roughest landing, bleeding to complete death, and when humans bleed out they tend to die completely. Just thinking about it was making me incredibly dizzy from it.

I let out the longest groan as I felt the pin pricks, poking and prodding. Struggling  to find a grip, with the hand that wasn't soaked in my own blood, on the twigs that held me captive. The weak pull I gave to each handful, testing how much of my weight it can bear before it snapped almost immediately, made me lose hope of ever getting out the bush with each bundle breaking. This entire moment I was having was so out of my character. I was never this weak minded, pessimistic prick. No, I was strong enough not to get frustrated, especially in a simple situation as such.

Once I found one that didn't immediately snap, I gripped it with as much strength I could muster and began to pull myself the rest of the way out the bush. The amount of energy it took to even make myself get halfway out the bush was incredible. Most impressive to sit up without feeling like I just ran a hundred miles nonstop. With all of this happening, the walkers and cars didn't even care to notice me. Not even the people who looked directly at me, like they didn't even know I was there. I ignored it for now, it wasn't of much importance at the moment.

I felt wobbly, completely unstable on my feet. The fact that I was slowly swaying side to side did nothing for the unbalanced feelinging. I could feel an unnerving amount of sweat dripping down my back from the excess amount of energy used to get out the bush. My sight was a little blurry but I wasn't seeing yet. Even with how crappy I was actually feeling, I shoved all of it to the back of my mind and forced myself to put one foot in front of the other. Walking felt like what falling was supposed to. My feet kept tripping over each other with no utter control. Yet, I did my best to continue my wondering. I didn't exactly have a destination.

Throughout my struggling and my attempts to keep my pain to myself. The busy streets didn't even acknowledge my existence. Even as it looked like I was climbing my way out of my grave, or what was soon about to be. I took a spot in the middle of the street to have a better chance of finding my host.

The pavement was littered with washed up trash, some that just failed to make it into the bin, and dozens of puddles. The sky was a dark washed out gray with even darker clouds. It was foggy beyond belief and quite cold out. Every exhale I took was visible out in front of me, and every inhale was like getting punched in the lungs. Any hint of the sun's existence was gone.

The people all had bags with them and umbrellas in the side pocket. Most were walking with a partner, talking noisily, but too involved in their conversations to notice anybody else. The people on the street looked confused as they passed me. All of them walked around me in a small ark, but from the looks of it, they didn't exactly see me. No one was going to be able to help me, so I won't waste my time bothering to ask for it. I didn't have any options other than my top priorities.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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