My hero

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I looked up at Dwayne who had me pinned against my wall.

"S-stop... this is illegal... 🥺" I squirmed and wiggled, but he was too strong.

"Stop wiggling, you're only making this harder 😏😏."

"Dwayne 🪨 Please, t-this isn't you... 🥺" I tried to be nice, but nothing worked.

I was about to give up, I thought this was the end.

But suddenly, we heard a thump, footsteps. Was it really my hero? My knight in shining armour?

Slowly Dwayne started backing up, SLOWLY.

I look over to see my hero, it was...

It... it was...

who is that?

Is that... no... it can't be...


I watched him as he ran lighting speed at Dwayne Johnson. Fangs first.

He sunk them right into Dwayne's neck, and sucked all the blood out of him.

My saviour, my hero. The one I've always wanted 🥺🥺!

"H-h-h-hey... 🥺🥺😏." I look over to the sexy vampire standing over Dwayne's bloodless body.

"Hello baby 😏. What's your name 😈🖤?" Pitbull looked at me, his black eyes full of life.

"I-I'm y/n... 🥺"

"Hey y/n... I-I- 🥺🖤" He stuttered.


"I think I love you 🥺😍."

Oh my God! This is a dream come true! Pitbull loves me! The one and only Pitbull!

I look at his gorgeous pale face, his fangs sticking out in a smile.

"I-I- 🥺"

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