The Beginning ch.1

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(information about y/n)
Age: 26
Gender: Nonbinary/gender-fluid
You are wearing a somewhat a pastel flower crown and a soft green sweater
Your around 5'2 i think thats tall? Perhaps sgort idk just go with it please💀
3 Person pov:
You where waking down the sidewalk and you could see a caravel and everyone happy, running around screams of excitement could be heard, you you decide to go to that Forest people go to when they camp or at least look for some superstitious things. You run back to your apartment and grab your keys to unlock the door and as you open it you hear water running in the bathroom, you think to yourself as you close the door and walk cautiously to the bathroom 'what the heck? No one can come here unless someone broke in here or found the spare key'. You see a bat on the ground and pick up, but as you do you see black gunk on it, you disgusted continue holding it and walked even closer to the bathroom you hear the water turn off.
They come out of the bathroom and in total shock they said calmly "oh hello hunny" it was your mother you sighed and confusedly told her "mom how did you get in my apartment?" She smiled and looked at you then started to explain.


Your remembered that you were going to the forest, and tell your mother that you'd be back she nodded. You went to your room and started to get everything you needed to go to the forest, you come out of the room and tell your mother you have to go somewhere she nods and starts to smile "oh Hun you have grown so much" she seems to be happy to have you (y/n). You lead her to the door and this time you make sure the spare key will stay hidden, and as you lock you your door you leave to start you adventure.

Editors note: oh my god there so many mistakes!😖 and this is such a short chapter, I guess thais is what I get for being a first timer💀

[Bendy xReader/Y/N] Getting along (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now