"I- I am?" Part 1

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So I reckon this will be the only oneshot of this in this book but idrk tbh. Forgot to say but I'm not taking requests for a while bc I have tons of chapters I still need to publish. If u have an idea, feel free to tell me but it will probs be a couple months before u get the actual chapter.

Anyways, enjoy! Also let's just pretend the dragons didn't... u know... *makes the shooing gesture*... yeah... OH I ALMOST FORGOT! In most of my post-httyd 2 oneshots, Stoick lived, k? Just to make it a little more... less depressing... *silent crying*

No hate ✌️


No ones POV.

Astrid sat with her legs crossed on the bed, fiddling with her fingers as a million thoughts raced through her mind. It had only been a month and a half and already... were they ready? Was she ready? And what about Valka? What would she say? And then there's the village... would they criticise them? They were only 22 after all...

Speaking of Valka, Astrid was snapped out of her thoughts by a knock on the door. "Astrid dear are you in there?" The woman asked, not wanting to intrude on her privacy. The young blonde took in a deep breath and nodded to herself.

"Yes, you can come in" she replied, trying her best to sound as if everything was perfectly fine. Sure she had been looking forward to this moment for a while, it's just she didn't know it would be this soon. Valka slowly creaked open the door to see the young Chieftess sitting crossed legged on the bed, head in her hands.

"Astrid? What's wrong?" She asked as she came and sat down next her, the bed slightly shifting with the extra weight. The younger Viking murmured something inaudible, and Valka just cocked her head slightly with confusion. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want, but I think I have an idea of what it could be" She concluded, standing up again to walk out the door, but Astrid grabbed her arm.

"No, I- I need some help..." she admitted quietly, and Valka sent her a soft smile as she sat back down. "Um... I- I have some news to tell you..." She said hesitantly, looking up from her hands for a second before turning away.

"Which is..?" The older woman pushed, wanting to confirm her suspicions.

"I- I'm... well... you're going to be a grandmother..." The young blonde stammered, unsure of what her reaction would be, although if she were anything like Stoick, then-

"Why Astrid that's great! Congratulations!" Valka exclaimed, pulling Astrid into a hug which she half returned, and the older woman then pulled away and gripped her gently by the shoulders. "Now tell me what's bothering you" She ordered with a stern look. "Are you not excited?"

Astrid took in a shaky breath "Of course I am! I'm thrilled, but..."


"But... I- I'm just scared... what if something goes wrong? What will Hiccup say? What will the village think? It's only been a month and a half since we got married and we're still only 22. I- I don't know... are we ready for a child yet?" She eventually blurted out, and Valka just chuckled, getting sent a confused look in the process. "What is it?" Astrid asked plainly, a clear look of confusion lacing her face.

"Oh nothing" The older woman replied before continuing. "I remember when I first found out that I was with child with your now husband" she said, getting Astrids attention as she turned to looked up at her. "Oh I was terrified. I was only 21, and had married the chief of Berk just a week before. But once the news got out, Stoick along with the rest of the village was thrilled at the news of an heir coming their way. If I've learnt anything, it's that everything will be just fine. No amount of guilt can change the past, and no amount of anxiety can change the future" she continued, making the younger blonde think for a minute. She was right. Suddenly, Valka stood up again, clasping her hands together cheerfully.

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