Chapter one: Life

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Note: the starting is a little slow, but stick with it till the end of the chapter, it picks up, I promise!
'come on, come on!' I urged the bell silently. It was times like these when I really wish one of my alters would come and deal with class. Hey, it isn't my fault that school is boring! Maybe if I had a friend or two it wouldn't be so bad... But as usual everyone is avoiding me... For the most part anyways. There is this one girl who tries to get near me but all she wants to do is steal my shirt, for some reason she has this weird obsession with Veto. I hazarded another glance at the clock. The second hand had to be broken. it had to be.
I blinked and looked around. was that... Out loud? Every head in the room was turned in my direction. Fantastic. To my relief everyone soon forgot about my outburst as the bell rang. Finally, freedom! I let out a whoop as the fresh air hit my face, man am I glad to be out of there. I started along my usual route home, through the park then down a side street. as I walked through the trees with the cool autumn breeze in my hair my mind started to wander. What if... What if I was normal? Would I have more friends? Would I even be Mike anymore? My personalities are a part of me... But sometimes they make it so hard to accept them... 'I'm referring to you Veto!' I shouted into my mind.
'ey, what'd I do? I aint even bothered you all day!' came the reply. I had to laugh at this, I nearly fell over! It's funny how after a stressful day, the smallest thing can seem so funny to you. I smiled, they may cause trouble, but they were my friends. 'nothing Veto, sorry, it's been a long day...' I replied. Veto apparently accepted this answer and I was once again alone with my thoughts. As I left the park, I took a cursory glance around and noticed a trio of boys, two not much taller than me, and at least twice as big, and the one in the centre, he was Huge! I mean, I'm pretty tall by average standards but this guy easily stood a half a foot taller at least, and he tripled me in width. I could see his muscles through his jersey, and his mid length hair stuck out in random directions, one lock right in the center falling over his forehead, they were all wearing baggy pants, the one on the left had longer sandy coloured hair tucked under a red baseball cap, (I couldn't tell what the logo on it was from this distance, but it matched the one on his shirt), the one on the right had short dark hair and wore a dark green hoodie. I usually don't note these things, but I was sure I'd seen them before... actually, a lot... no matter. I sped up my pace a bit just to be safe, (I've had more than my fair share of, -ahem- 'attention' from their type before and I really prefer to avoid it). I had reached the turn and hooked a left then walked about a block before surveying my surroundings once again. there they were! about a half a block behind and closing.
"darn it!"
I cursed aloud as I broke into a run and peeked behind me. they too had broken into a run and were now chasing after me.
I started to weave in and out of side streets and houses alike as I fought to gain distance while keeping my stress at bay, the last thing I needed was for chester to come out and slow me down. not that it matters much either way, these guys were jocks, I may be smaller and faster, but they had me beat when it comes to endurance.
"Whats wrong Mikey, Don'tcha wanna play?" the one in the middle taunted me.
I immediately knew where I recognized him from. he was one grade above me and our gym classes often go head to head...I still cant recall his name though...
"L-Leave me alone!" I called back between gasps, trying to hide the quaver in my voice. These guys LOVE fear. They crave it. And though I don't fear them, I do know that they could do serious damage. I could take verbal abuse fine, god knows I'm used to it by now, but when things get physical... I have a painfully low pain tolerance. someone once suggested I get Veto to fight for me, but even if I wasn't a pacifist by nature, I'm still stuck with whatever damage is dealt to my body, so I'd feel it anyways. a quick look behind me told me that they weren't about to give up.
"rrrrgh!" I growled with frustration, turning another corner. at this point panic overrules my logic and thoughts, the only destination in my mind was 'away' and I was probably lost. My lungs are burning as I fight for breath, heart in overdrive. Adrenalin can only keep you going for so long. I was slowing down, and they were closing in like a pack of wolves. I put on another burst of speed, desperate to escape, and sprinted around another corner, with my head over my shoulder. They were right on my tail. *CRASH*
"OW!" I cried out as I looked forwards too slow and skidded right into a wall. disoriented, I pulled myself back onto my feet and turned to leave the dead end, but I could hear their heavy footsteps pounding closer and closer to me. I willed myself to move, get out, do something, anything! But my feet were frozen in place. Svetlana could probably help me scale the wall or something, but I would never willingly put her in danger, even if I could think straight. all I could do was stand there like an idiot, listening to the steady *thump, thump, thump* of their footsteps as they zeroed in on me. I could see their shadows on the wall before they walked into view.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't Multiple Mike. You gave us quite the cardio there pipsqueak." the largest one said. "and you know what I like to do after cardio?" I didn't reply. It wouldn't do any good anyways, why bother?
" " He opened his mouth to finish his threat but then green hoodie piped up,
"eheh, he likes to pummel losers!" he stated and slammed his fist into his palm.
"Dan! ya ruined it!" the leader exclaimed, obviously disappointed.
"sorry Tony..." Dan meekly replied.
"lets just get on with it." Baseball cap interrupted.
The other two turned back to me as if just remembering I was there. I was half hoping that they would start to fight each other and forget me.
"That, I can live with." Tony said cracking his knuckles. "not so sure about pretty boy here though. Heh heh." he continued, taking a step closer. Realizing that these guys had no intention of holding back, I gulped, and finally found my breath.
"Help! Somebody, Any- gak!" Tony pushed his large hand around my throat silencing my cries. in a flash I was slammed against the wall, all of my breath gone out of me, my feet dangled helplessly a foot above the ground.
"Oh, you are gonna regret that, runt!" he hissed, murder in his eyes. even his lackeys looked frightened. I nearly wet myself.
"p-please..." I managed to wheeze out.
Tony just pushed me harder against the wall, leaving me gasping for breath.
"..." I struggled for words but none came. my hands tried desperately to push him away, but it was useless, I started to feel dizzy, and my eyes unfocused.
'YOU'RE GONNA DIE!' my brain screamed at me. It was my last thought before I blacked out.

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