Its The Beginning

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"Do you smell that? I think it's Lix's brownies!," i said running in the cold room full of hungry girls with a passion for brownies.

"Don't get them frisked up Hana, let them be. When they smell the brownies they'll know where it's coming from," at the sound of lix's cold, dark and raspy voice the girls jumped at his announcement.

It's a pity to live, eat, breathe, and sleep because of a handsome voice. It really is.

The girls stomping foot rushed into the kitchen with pleading eyes, begging felix for his brownies.

Begging for something else in my opinion.

I think their lunatics with no self respect that need to be taught a lesson. I might be a 15 year old girl with no muscle strength or talent except for a black belt in taekwondo.

But that won't stop them.

I shrugged my shoulders and dragged my feet to the kitchen. Where lix smiled at me, the other girls puking in disgust by his flirty remarks towards me.

We're like siblings. Very close siblings, we've been training together since we were 13. We both moved countries to become an idol. And possible debut one day, but right now we're trying to focus on everything BUT our debut.

It stresses us both out to the core because we've worked so hard.

So we're giving it a break until JYP or the staff tell us any news about the topic.

"Come on, don't you want a brownie," felix emphasized on the e. Waving the brownie in my face i snarl my nose up at him and walk out.


Trying to sucker ME in? Hell no. Will never work.

I could hear him put the brownies down over the munching of ignorant, self respect less girls.

I could quite literally smell him walking towards me, he's always had a scent that i just can't put my finger on...

It's a nice smell, don't get me wrong.

Before i could do anything, his small fingers started tickling me.

I burst out in laughter, holding my stomach so i don't die trying to breathe. Dammit. The boy knows how to lighten the mood, that's something i CAN give him.

"You don't have to try the brownie. But please be a little nicer to me next time, i fed your cats," he said. A giggle resurfaced, he called them cats. I cant say it didn't make me feel better about the situation.

Their all in heat and desperate for Lixs attention. It's that why he called them cats??

Not gonna question it, not gonna question it.

"By the way, has chan mentioned anything about a debut date. Don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to push you out i was just wondering." I asked him while he sat down on the couch, his phone in front of his face, that he slightly moved away from his view to look at me.

"No." He said with his crisp australian accent, that always made me laugh.

"What about you?" He said, patting the seat beside him.

I walked over there and sat down. "Why are you asking me? I don't even have a group yet, and i'm not gonna start looking for on either. Even if i did i would have to be the leader and that's just..." I stop myself before i can mumble on anymore. I look over at him, who's just staring there with a grim look on his face that made me eager to punch him.

"Sorry...I know i get carried away. I really can't help it!" Felix giggled, still grinning at me. "I think you'd be a great leader, Hana." Ugh, the name. My name isn't even hana.

I wanted to correct him. "It's Hanai." And i did.

"On your birth certificate it is, but to me it's not. And besides...Hanai is your japanese name. I'm just simply giving you a name that ONLY I can call you," he said. Bumping me with his shoulder as that evil grin still stood on his face.

His blonde hair caressed him, in a way that made him look proportional and even. I like his face. Not just because, he's my friend or anything. But i would really like his face even if he wasn't.

"Oh- i forgot to tell you. Whatever makeup style you did today, is really nice." I snarled my nose up at his witty remarks. I wasn't wearing any makeup.


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