Chapter three

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Fili's P.O.V.

Kyra fed Thorin's pony a handful of blackberries, then headed over to me and kili.

"It is getting dark," Thorin said "we should settle down for the night."

"Agreed!" We all cheered

She smiled at me. It had been two weeks since she joined our company and everyone, well almost everyone loved her. She was like a sister, but kili still hadn't Quite warmed up to her yet. She had an intoxicating personality, (in a good way) she can get along with everyone. Yet can be shy at times, or jumpy and loud (again in a good way, not an annoying way). She had long bonde hair down to the waist,with a small braid on the right side, she wore tight pants, a brown buttoned tunic, brown doe skink boots, a silver necklace with a small sword around her neck and a green hood.

"How old are you guy?" Kyra asked.

"I am 26." I replied.

"I'm 20! And 21 in one week!" Kili announced proudly.

"That's great. What are you going to do for your birthday?" She asked

"Turn 21." Kili said, not thinking about the question.

"No, I mean do you have a small celebration with your family?" Kyra asked

"No, not really, why?" He said

"Oh, well as a child my mother and father would invite my friends and distant family to visit. And we would have lots of food and games!"she said

"Oh, that sounds fun." Kili said.

"Maybe you can." She said kindly "Fili maybe you can help!"

"How?" I asked

"By decorating and you family if mostly here, right?" She said

"Yeah." I said

"We'll then all you need are food games and music!" She said

"Yes. But we can talk about that later." I said, by now it was almost pitch black and everyone else was fast asleep. "We should get some sleep."

"Good idea." She said and we all retired to out beds, or spots were we sleep on the ground.

After I was shore everyone was asleep but me and kili.

"Kili." I whispered.

"Yes?" He whispered back.

"Im bored." I said.

"What do you think of Kyra?" He asked

"I don't know." I replied

"I think she's fit." He said.

"So you fancy her?" I laughed.

"No!" His face turned red.

"You do!!" I chuckled.

"No I dont!" Kili said defensively.

"Don't lie" I said

"Fine! I like her!" He said finally breaking.

With in the next ten minutes we both fell asleep

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