Chapter 90

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How could Ah Wu let a small child hit him? He let go of his hand and quickly took the shovel away and threw it on the ground hard. Tian Tian was shocked by the bang sound and cried even louder. Finally, she retreated two steps, unable to say a word as she wiped her tears.

She has been spoiled since birth. Whether it was her parents, relatives, or friends of her parents, everyone called her little princess. They have spoiled her very much. She was like the moon in the sky and being adored by everyone wherever she went. 

But today, she was “beaten.” 

Tian Tian, whose hair was yanked by the boy for the first time, was angry and upset. She was crying and wanted to vent her anger. She looked for something to hit him back in desperation. Finally, she caught a glimpse of the wooden broom nearby. She immediately grabbed it and directly hit Ah Wu again.

Upon seeing this, Qian Qian, who was still squatting on the ground, stopped crying and quickly ran over with her short legs and hugged Ah Wu. When the broom was about to hit Qian Qian, Ah Wu used the fastest speed, bent over to protect her under him. Tian Tian’s strength was quite significant. Ah Wu groaned in pain when the broom hit his body, and his eyes were full of hostility.

Tian Tian’s face flushed with tears. She closed her eyes and waved her broom indiscriminately, and almost hit the cameraman beside her. The cameraman couldn’t stand it anymore, so he conveniently snatched the broom with one hand and then threw it away out of her reach.

“You all bully me!” After having her weapon taken away, Tian Tian sat on the ground and continued crying. Her chubby legs kept kicking the cameraman’s calf and murmured under her breath: “I, I’ll have my mother fire you, huhuhu….!”

“I will, I will go find my mother now.” After wiping the tears on her face, Tian Tian got up and ran outside.

The cameraman sighed helplessly. Everyone knew that Director Tian spoiled his daughter and often took her to the set. Every time she went, the rest of the crew would surely suffer. The small actor was bullied and could only stay quiet. He didn’t believe it at first. No matter how naughty the child is, it can’t be out of control. But today, he has experienced it first hand.

While his mind was wandering, the cameraman suddenly felt a gloomy gaze casting at him. He looked over and saw a pair of gentle and pure eyes. 

“Uncle, you should go outside and clean it up first.” He pointed to the cameraman’s pants. 

The cameraman looked down and saw his pants were crumpled and covered with footprints. 

The cameraman shook his head: “It’s not a big deal.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Ah Wu copied Chu Yi’s tone, “It won’t take long. But, mainly, I want to ask you to help me bring some water so that I can wash Qian Qian’s face.”

His politeness and well-behaved appearance were the contrast of Tian Tian. Looking at these pairs of refined and lovely siblings, how could the cameraman say no. Carrying equipment in one hand and took out a bucket from the nearby table.

Ah Wu had a deep smile on his face and said: “Uncle, carrying the camera equipment to fetch water is not convenient. You can put it on the table, and I will help you watch it for now.”

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