Chapter One- What's your name?

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"With everything clouded in the flames of fire why is it that you still burn bright than it all"

A fierce shriek filtered through her body. It sent shivers along every single nerve end, making her body repulse, everything was in full chaos in the shade of black, she did not recognise the scream nor did she register that it was hers. It stopped. Her eyes flicker shut and back open again, just like that shapes began to fill the world around her again, shades, silhouettes then colour. It was like she was seeing everything again for the first time, she rubbed her eyes and looked around her, she soon realised that no matter how many times she rubbed her eyes the world wasn't getting any brighter, the sky was full of dark with faint stars. The ground that she was lay on wet and fresh green even in the mist of the dark, next to her a street light giving of an orange ora in the spot she rose her head to see what was ahead, to know why perhaps her throat was sore and her eyes stung. Ahead stood a small building with a giant A engraved from what she could make out anyway, the building seemed as if was polished, like silver in fact. In the distance a crack formed and her body rose instantly, he tried to speak, to ask who was there, what was there but no sound could escape from her throat. 

A faint chuckle also arose from behind her. 

"stop laughing, they'll know we're here" a soft voice spoke. In response came a sarcastic voice one that the chuckle came from. 

" They probably already know we're hear thanks to mr strongest avenger over here" a thud came as well. "ouch" he mimicked.

"would you two cut it out, for two moments. Stark will not be..." a female voice began.

"Stark is already here, couldn't leave you alone with these pair in such a threat, could i now?" he joked. To which the woman laughed and began to whisper. "The target hasn't seemed to have moved and they were screaming out a name we couldn't quite hear, however I'm sure.." she was cut off. "Yes I'll get Jarvis to pick up the sound from the cameras once we find out what exactly the breach is" she nodded in return. 

"So what's the plan of attack?" she questioned. The sarcastic voice approached back into the conversation again "first of all me and banner are more the of capability to check a security breach and secondly do not attack Tony, this isn't shakespear in the park. Thor mumbled

'We all know what happened when you approached an unknown threat and then brought lightning and you and cap brought a suit and shield between you both, we don't know what were facing" Natasha warned him following onto Thors words. "Except you have brought lightning this time" Thor smuggle stated with Bruce adding on "and the strongest avenger" the pair exchanged dagger glances whilst Natasha and Tony stood watching not expecting anything less from the two.

"So we approach with caution and off guard, see what they want and if they are a threat and if so how to diffuse it without ay harm, we've lost the element of surprise so it's our best option" she spoke again to which Tonys response was in agreement along with the other two.

They all walked forward whilst the girls head turned side to side looking for the noise she heard before, she still sat on the wet grass in a ripped red stained top and black pants, she didn't realise before but knowing she was now vulnerable she felt even more exposed, frightened even. The figure came from the bushes behind her and a light hand grasped against her shoulder. Her body leapt from off of the ground, her back still facing them, the touch of another and the psychological fear was worse than the pain she felt in her entire body, her legs trembled.The figures faces all looked confused. "This is the threat Tony" Banner questioned in disillusion. He had no response. "tony?" Natasha questioned. "its a woman, she's covered in blood, is this another one of your crazy exes" Tonys hand grabbed the girls arm her skin was freezing to the touch as if she'd been out here for hours, he flipped her around and her body now faced towards him yet there eyes did not meet. He must have been at least a head taller than her, underneath the feelings of his hands he could feel not only her skin trembelling but it felt like her entire body was shutting down.He kept his grip on her arm. "How did you get past security, the avengers tower is not a place for fantasy play" he smirked. She began to shake even more, she tried to speak again and finally a small voice wept out "Please...Please don't hurt me"  his entire body shifted to her words, he was shocked how a voice so small and powerless could affect him his other hand raised to her cheek and the same hand that was once grabbing her left to her forearm. An feeling he had not felt since New York arose in his chest, he wasn't sure of what it was but he could recognise its presence enough to realise this girl is no threat. 

'Tony, she's not a threat i think she needs our help" Natasha softly spoke trying not to corse any un comfort. Thor and bruce were stood behind her silently until thor spoke. "Lets get her inside"

Tony's hand pulled her face up, but she turned violently. "we aren't going to hurt you, we want to help you,just whats your name?"

"STeve rogers..." she slurred. "Steve rogers... He will... He will help me..." her voice was horse and quiet struggling to string a sentence, it all jumbled together the words the figures, the silhouettes , the shades it was disappearing once more and soon she lost all control of her senses and body, she dropped. Instinctively he slipped his warm hands, rough against her skin, behind her neck and swooped her up just before she hit the ground. As he cradled her lifeless lifeless body, he whispered. "Its okay, Ive got you, it's alright" The first time Tony Starks voice had only empathy. "your going to be okay" he reassured as he carried her away...

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