"Your eyes. And Im lost"

1 0 0

The sheets were cold and the duvet was cold to touch, but she was warm, she rolled over snuggling her head into the pillow that she assumed smelt like what being rich would smell like. She was in comfort. Until she realised she didn't have riches and she didn't have silk sheets, she had none of those things because she didn't know what she had, she jumped up startled and sat herself against the black head board. Scanning the room over and over trying to figure out if this was hers, but she knew it wasn't even with no memory she could feel she had no ownership to anything, not even herself. Her feet placed against a thick fur rug on floor and felt the softness beneath her feet, it was nice. Then he get placed on the cold laminate and she winced. *really cold floor and your being this dramatic* she walked over to where she could see little light peeping through assuming it was a window hidden behind a black out blind and she pulled it back. Unvieling a 12 foot sliding door looking over a forest. *oh my god* she was in awe but the light shocked her system. *where the hell am I?* she questioned what was going on then as she stared outside she recalled being carried into a giant compound and then it was dark, she recalled a man helping her *steve.meant to find steve* she thought to herself maybe that was steve maybe he had helped her. She turned back around and saw clothes hanging over a singular black chair in the corner of the room near a tall light. *what's the harm in getting changed* then shr realise the clothes she had in weren't the ones she originally wore.

Who had changed her clothes? Why was she covered in blood? To many questions with no answers. She scurried over and quickly threw on the second outfit.

The first being a a dress and the second a pair of leggings and a jumper.
*maybe leave the theatrics out whilst we figure out what I'm doing here* the leggings were black and she picked up a black jumper to match, she pulled her long blonde hair over her shoulder and checked herself in the mirror and found a black eye and a few scratches around her jaw and neck. *ouch* a clock was hung on the wall and read 5:15 pm. *at least I can read a 24hr clock* she thought to herself. And opened the silver door, she glanced across the room one last time and took it all in. *wow*

She slowly close the door trying to make as little sound as possible, and to her shock it was almost silent, she scanned up and down the hall seeing no one around and looked down beneath the landing to hear a trail of whispering voices.

Except to her they weren't whispers the more she tried to focus on the sound it all became fog and she couldn't seem to hear it only a ringing in her ears, she cupped her ears until it faded and just followed the jumbled words as she made her way down the spiralled stair case.

All around her was shades of white, grey and black. *I see there's a pattern here*. She noted the modern colour scheme and was actually quite impressed. The floors were grey laminates and the walls were a darker grey leading down a corridor and as she follows the trail of sound she soon caught on it was on the way to the kitchen.

Her small petite frame was noticeable next to the 7 foot large door ways as she stood at 5'5 maybe 5'6 with the right shoes.

In the kitchen was a man she recognised from before a man who looked like he was made of metallics and a girl similar to her size and frame but with hair the colour of fire.

The man was slightly taller than average, but he was about a head or two taller than her, his hair was black and thick, his face sculpted and stubbled, he appeared rugged. That play boy type. *well he's hot*. She soon realised that's the one who caught her and she assumed the one who brought her into the compound. *is that Steve?* She needed to know if he was the only persons name she could remember. Instead of announcing herself she listened ok the conversation ever so quietly. She felt rude to intrude.

The man covered in reds and silvers, stood at the end of the counter top with the girl, and mr play boy stood at the centre.

"How long as she been out for mr stark" the metallic man spoke.

"Around 7 days, at this rate I'm not sure she will ever wake up. Wanda has been checking up on her everyday for any brain activity and to try and see inside but she can't find anything no past no present no future. It's concerning"

*oh god, Well that's obviously about me*
"I've been looking whenever I get the chance, but I just can't find anything, not even a name besides Steve, it was the only thing in there, I just know she's in a lot of pain" she said softly

"She's in pain, Wanda why didn't you tell us" the metallic man spoke again with a concerning look from the other man.

*wanda that's her name*

"Not in any physical pain. Just mental pain, whatever brought her here. I just, she needs our help" she spoke with sympathy.

She slipped on the door causing all three to stare at her. A snigger from the man she had been staring at the whole time.

*now he's going to think I'm an idiot*

"Looks like we don't have to worry about it anymore do we sweetheart" his voice was comforting yet put her on edge. She liked it

She began to apologise. "I'm so-  so sorry" she didn't know what to say. She was spying. Already. "Honestly I - I just didn't want to intrude I'm so sorry" her voice was soft  timid. It's the first time she'd heard it, I mean it sound like it did in her head but it felt weird to speak, like she knew what she wanted to say but it couldn't come out right. The man smirked.

The fire haired girl ran over to her and wrapped her arms around her neck, taking her back but after a few seconds her arms slowly followed  around her back. She pulled back and smiled. "I'm so glad your okay" she spiked with relief which took her back once more, wanda didn't know her that was clear but she cared for her? Without even knowing her. *I like her* She could see in Wandas eyes the same she had saw in her own this morning, loss. It all looked the same in the eyes regardless of the suffering, damage engraved in her eyes just like her own from what's they'd seen. Her face slowly lit up a short smile. "I'm so sorry I haven't even introduced myself... my names wanda..."

"Nice to meet you wanda" her voice said softly ,she then pointed to the metallic man "this is vision" and then to the one she'd been waiting to know. "And this is..."

His voice interrupted. "I'm Tony. Tony stark." His voice was filled with ego and everything masculine. *so it's not Steve. Who even is Steve. If he's not here why did I come here* "we are glad to know your alright but before we properly introduce ourselves..." he stopped closer from around the table as wanda had dropped her hand and scurried off towards vision. She felt intimated, vulnerable. "Who might you be?" She's hooked her head. His eyes grew with intrigue and doubt in her expressions. "Oh come on" he tutted and waved his finger in her face. "You don't expect me to believe that now do you"
Her breathe quickened and she could feel her hands getting clammy.

"I - I honestly don't know" she spat out. "All I know is I woke up here and the last thing I remember was being carried inside." She gulped. " I swear".

"Well you called me Steve sweetheart, that's not the best way to get on my good side." He smiled as he brushed some loose hair from her face. And traced the bruise. She winced silently. "That looks painful, how's you get it?"

"I don't know. I don't even know what Steve looks like. All I know is he's the only thing I know." She stuttered knowing that doesn't even make sense to her let alone three people she's just met. He pulled his hand from his face. "So do you know your name?" He questioned as he turned away.

Her mind was racing. *win, no shit, wid. Ry. Ri. Fuck* "ri, - , ry" she stuttered and shook her head embaressed.

"Mr stark I can sense the girl feels uneasy, genuinely from all human observations I've made, I don't think she's lying" he nodded towards her as wanda smiled. *I like them. I know I like them at least. Him not so sure* "fine then i will call you ry for now " he laughed

"River." She dropped out. *my name is river*
"My name it's river" she said with a stronger tone than she had been this entire time.
"Well ry, I look into your eyes and I'm lost" she said with a softer tone and a weak smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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