Chapter 1

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"Alright, we need two teams of 10 and one group of 8" the P.E teacher, Miss Saunders shouted to the class of unenthusiastic girls.

Havoc was created as soon as those words left her mouth, every person rushing to find their friends and team up with them. The groups were typical. Popular people stuck with popular people and everyone else just teamed up with a mutual understanding that nobody wanted to be left alone.

Fortunately for Jade, her friend Leigh-Anne was in this class with her. The two instantly held onto each other and grouped up with 9 other girls. Nobody else seemed to notice that there were too many people in the group, except Jade and of course, Perrie Edwards.

"Miss!" Perrie shouted from the other side of the hall, where she stood in a group with the other popular girls.

"Yes, Perrie?" Miss Saunders sighed out.

"Jade's group has too many people in it, we're one person short" Perrie states smugly, gesturing towards the group of eleven.

"Oh, so I see. Well, Jade please move onto Perrie's team" Miss Saunders says, unaware of the damage she had done.

"No, Leigh, I can't" Jade panics as Leigh tries to persuade the rest of the group to join Perrie's instead of Jade.

"Jade! Now please" Miss Saunders snaps impatiently, but sending a warm smile afterwards. Jade is her favourite student, she can't get mad with her for long.

Hesitantly, Jade wanders over towards Perrie and her group. The girls surrounding Perrie look annoyed, rolling their eyes at one another as the timid brunette walks over.

Perrie? Perrie's smirk intimidates Jade, and she finds it hard to believe that this was the girl who used to protect her from anything that scared her. Now, she is one of her biggest fears.

"Alright, Perrie's team versus Leigh-Anne's team. Go!" the teacher blew her whistle and walked over to sort out another girl, who was refusing to participate.

"Jade quickly walked onto the pitch, as far away from the rest of her group as she could get.

"Thirlwall" she hears a smug voice from behind her.

Slowly, she turns around to be faced with blonde hair, blue eyes and of course, that signature smirk.

"Your shoe lace isn't tied, better tie it before you make us lose" she states.

Jade looks down at her shoes, they don't have laces?

"But I don't have laces" Jade says, confused.

"Look, you're on my team so do as I say, tie your laces" Perrie threatens, looking Jade up and down.

Still facing Perrie, and still very confused, Jade crouches down to 'tie' her laces.

"No!" Perrie exclaims.

Jade looks up at the annoyed blonde, glancing round to see if they were being watched. Thankfully, nobody was.

"Stand up. Turn around. Then bend over to tie them" Perrie says sharply, her eyes lighting up at the thought of seeing Jade bent over.

Innocent as ever, Jade does as told. Perrie eagerly watches as the other girl follows her instructions.

Slowly and almost teasingly, Jade faces away from Perrie and arches her back.

"Like this?" Jade asks, not wanting to annoy Perrie by doing something wrong.

"More like this" a smooth voice husks out.

Jade feels two cold hands place themselves on her waist, rubbing gently on her hip bones. One slowly slides up her back and pushes her downwards, so her face is looking at the floor.

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