Part IV: The Countess

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The Countess was still reeling from night's events when the lights went out again. It may not have been a power cut this time, but she still felt incredible unease. After a shape changer and a woman who could swap heads at will, she couldn't imagine what the house would throw at them next. She hoped the lawyer wouldn't take too long to relieve himself.

That hope was dashed when she had to listen to liquid splashing into the glass for the next minute. It stopped, and she heard the clinking of another glass being picked up. Then the sound of urination continued.

"Damn it, man, how big is your bladder?" she heard Dr. West call out.

"I drank like five glasses of wine!" Ernie answered.

The sound of him making his toilet eventually stopped. She expected the lights to come back on right after. But they didn't.


Panicked voices cried out in reaction to the gunshot. More plates and glasses smashed to the floor. The Countess felt someone brush past her. Then the lights finally came back on.

Everyone was standing in the same position as before. Except one. Long John Silver lay slumped on the floor, a bullet hole in his forehead.

"Oh for Cthulhu's sake!" exclaimed West. "Who killed him?"

They all turned to look at Ernie. He gave a nervous chuckle and held up two glasses filled to the brim with yellow-brown fluid. "How the hell could I have done it? My damn hands were full."

"Who else had a motive?" she asked.

"What motive? I got nothing against pirates. Shit, maybe he killed himself. He was a righty. Probably wasn't looking forward to having to do you know what with a hook for a hand."

"Don't try to distract us with this ridiculous story," Dr. West said. "This is the second time the lights have gone out while you've been in the room and someone has wound up dead."

"We were all in the room, Herb," replied Ernie. "You blaming me for the power cut earlier now?"

Dracula, who had been unusually quiet, grunted in anger and walked towards the door.

"Now where are you going?" asked Dr. West.

"I am going to get out of here if I have to tear the walls apart with my bare hands!" He beckoned his wife. "Come, let us depart freely and of our own will."

She didn't move. "My love, perhaps we should stay until we resolve this mystery."

"Yes, you must both stay," said Dr. West. "Your bloodsucking husband is just as much a suspect as the lawyer. He hated the pirate from the moment they met! Who else could have killed him so quickly in the dark?"

Dracula roared and swept the few remaining plates and glasses off the table with a crash. "How dare you speak to me that way, you foolish mortal! You fail to comprehend that if we stay here, we will all die!"

Ernie stepped between the two men, who were staring each other down like angry bulls. "Dracula, babe. You need to chillax."

The Count moved so fast he was a blur. He grabbed Ernie around the throat and lifted him off the ground.

Ernie's feet kicked and his face started to turn blue as he struggled for air.

"Let him go," ordered Dr. West.

The Countess put a hand on her husband's elbow. "My love, do as he says. This will solve nothing."

"This man must die!" Dracula bellowed, spit flying from his lips. "He is the cause of all of this!"

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