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Andrew's Pov:

Hello to anyone who is reading this because you should all know that I am already dead. My name is or was Andrew Williams, a college sophomore at Harvard University.

The 20-year-old virgin with little to no close friends and who never got any bitches, yep that is most certainly me in a wider sense...

If you are gonna ask how I died then you should have read the description of this story before you even opened up this first chapter but what do I know?

If you did bother to read it you should know that I am a major fantasy nerd, if you wanted to ask me about any fantasy universe or story I would have most likely already known about the world/universe you are talking about.

I'm a mega nerd for fantasy and sci-fi too...

Back to the story, I died in one of the most iconic ways all isekai main characters die, by jumping in front of Truck-kun while pushing someone out of the way.

Well, I can at least take some comfort in knowing that I saved the two kids who were about to be trampled by the large semi but if I was gonna list off one of my greatest regrets, it's that I wasn't able to play even one second of Dying Light 2 or Total War Warhammer 3.

And I just bought the damn games after they had both been released too!!!! And with the DLC's too!!!!


Well, I can't be crying over some spoiled milk now since I just saved those two kids from a premature death.

Now I know some of you may ask, why are you crying over a game you weren't able to play? Shouldn't you be sad that you couldn't say goodbye to your family members?

In one way you are right that I should be sad for not saying goodbye to my family since I did come over to visit my parents and siblings since I hadn't seen them in a while but let's just say during the time I was away we got more distant then I would have liked.

I do feel bad that I couldn't reconcile or reconnect with my family before my passing but I hope at least in one way that my death isn't treated like nothing to them.

After the truck had flattened and sliced me in half like a pancake and as I was dying of shock and blood loss I saw a mysterious light reach out to me from the sky.
Deafening all the terrified yelling and screaming from people who were looking at the young man who was strewn across the street like an infant's dinner of spaghetti.

As this light suddenly found itself surrounding me in its heavenly-like aura I found all the pain and discomfort I was feeling from before starting to disappear.

Then soon after I felt like I was being pulled up into the light until the light was so bright that it brought up more pain and discomfort than turning on your phone at full brightness at 2 in the morning.

And right after this sudden light, I found myself in a bright clearing full of nothing but glowing white clouds for all the eye could see.

Confused by this I reacted like how any normal human being would...

"Where the fuck am I?!?!??"

I shouted out in a very "manly" and "controlled" voice as I was wondering where in the nine hells I was.

"You are not in hell my child..."

Spoke a mysterious voice behind me that causes me to whip my head back looking for the source of that voice only to see no one there.

"In front of you my child..." the voice said again this time closer as I turned back only for my jaw to be left wide open as I saw the man before me.

The person before me was an elderly-looking man with tan skin, dressed in a robe of pure white cloth like those roman gowns, with a snow-white beard to match, and some old-fashioned-looking Jesus shoes on his feet.

Reincarnated into the world of Warhammer...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora