The gold

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1 day before school starts

We finally decided to accept the finally that John B and Sarah are most likely dead. So we decided to carve john b's pretend headstone into the tree behind the chateau.  Once we were done with that jj took out his flask and said to John B and Kie made sure that we didn't forget about Sarah JJ passed his flask to me and kie while pope settled for a soda.

Let me tell you guys something the gang hasn't been even remotely the same since John B and Sara went missing and Ward is back on his bullshit. You know they didn't even arrest him after what happened they didn't even question him. you know why because the rich buy their way out. He keeps trying to get me to keep my mouth shut for "family". But no amount of money is going to keep my mouth shut. Ward keeps walking around like he owns the place and he even went to peterkin's  funeral the audacity he has.  Also kie has been acting out in rage and acting as if the rest of us don't care. JJ actually got out of bed today to go to work which is the first in a week but he chose the day where we don't have the same shift he has a afternoon shift while I have the night one. The only reason I had to change my shift is the fact ward is forcing me to kiss up to the kooks and hang out with them or else he's gonna call cps so he can get custody so I was forced to hang out with topper and kelce and their little kook friends. The second i got there and they saw jj working they decided to start talking shit about John B

"I swear if you don't shut the fuck up Kelce."

[kelce] " why did you help john B kill peterkin and kidnap sarah"

"Now you and I both know that didn't happen." i said getting up into his face

Jj then came over

"hey Eve are they bothering you"

"nah it's okay i got it handled"

[kelce] "Yea jj leave us the fuck alone"

{Lynn and jj} "shut the fuck up no one was talking to you"

[kelce] why are you two goign to murder me like John B murdered peterkin?

JJ then picked up a spoon and a pitcher and said

"Our best friends John B did not kill peterkin it was rafe Cameron who shot and killed peterkin in cold blood."

[kelce] Yea right

"now why is that so hard to believe kelce." i said in a questioning tone raising my eyebrows.

"because you pouges never take any responsiblity it's always the kook's fault you and I both know John B killed peterkin"

Now the whole gang of kooks got into both of our faces and started shoving us so we did the same and before anything serious could happen raz our boss fired jj and jj started walking away and then i quit because if raz agrees with their bullshit and fired JJ because he was defending john B then i don't wanna work here anymore.

"hey jj wait up."

JJ and I both got onto our bikes and went through the garden area to just mess up their precious flowers. JJ and I went to the chateau and decided to get high and to surf until the sun went down since we had nothing else to do.

The pogue princess's savior (Jj maybank)Where stories live. Discover now