Chapter 4

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Moe's P.O.V

I was sitting in my sit, soaking in my surroundings. I wonder who I'm sitting next to, then I see An old married couple wearing the most hideous matching Hawaiian shirts heading my way.

Please don't sit by me, please don't sit my me. I begged in my head.

When they passed me I let out a sigh of relief. Behind the married couple I could see a cute guy, with the biggest dimples I ever seen.

He caught me staring, so I quickly looked outside the window. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I quickly turned around, making my forehead hit his.

"Ow" we both said. "sorry, I didn't mean to, I just got sca-" I said in a rush of words.

He made me stop taking when he started to chuckle, showing the the best dimple I ever seen. "its fine, its cute how yo-" he stopped his sentence.

I could feel my face warming up, nuts.

"uhh I mean, umm, excuse me" the guy said addressing to one of the waiters.

I could tell he was just doing this to make things less awkward.

"Could I get some apple juice?" he stated making it sound more like a question. "Do you want anything?" he asked, I shook my head no in reply.
Then I took out my headphones because I making things weird enough. Why do I always mess everything up?

Ashton P.O.V

Did I really ask for apple juice? I hate apple juice, I should of haven't blurted out that she was cute in the first place. stupid,stupid I said to myself.

She had her earphones in, great, now she doesn't even want to talk to me any more. why do I always mess everything up?

So I decided to pull out my phone to listen my music. UGHH why did I have to wear these pants? they are to tight, I can't even get my phone out of my front pocket. I put my apple juice on the arm rest to prevent it from spilling out of my hand, or that would have been an embarrassment.

When I tried to pull my phone out of my pocket, but It was a huge mistake.

I accidentally spilled all my juice all over the girl. "oh my gosh moe, I'm so sorry" I said panicking.

"Umm how do you know my name?" she said, great now I sound like a stalker.

"Uhhh, umm, I heard your friend scream at you when you were skateboarding back at the airport.

"Oh" she said.

"I'm really sorry, sorry, ill go get you napkins" I said backing out of my seat to the bathroom at the back if the plane.

I'm such an embarrassment. On my way to the bathroom I thought I could get some advice from Luke but he was no use but his friend, Anna, that is actually Moe's best-friend, helped me out, to make things less awkward.

So I walked back to my seat feeling more confident.

Moe's P.O.V

why is Ashton taking so long? did I say something mean? do I have bad breath? All of my questions were answered when I saw Ashton walking back my way with a bunch of napkins.

I started to laugh at him because he had a piece of toilet paper stuck to his shoe. He then had a confused expression plastered on his face.

"Wha-what are you laughing at?" he questioned, his face turning pink from embarrassment.

"Oh nothing" I said still laughing. he handed me my napkins while he took his seat next to me. Then for the rest of the plane trip we just talked about random things, there was never dull moment from then on.

Authors note: sorry,this chapter was short 😂

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