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Three days have passed by, they where long, uneventful, so boring, and stationary to the point I think my hair rooted itself to the ground.

I question why I had not left the day I came, job was done. I suppose not having anywhere to go back to complicates things, or maybe I am subconsciously lonely, guess even I can get tired of being on my own all the time.

The others look just as underwhelmed, Jeff and Toby both crashed on the couch and have not left, Jack had stated it had been a while since he and Seedeater hunted together, the two left early this morning, not worried Hoodie may do something to aggravate his injury.

Hoodie shut himself in his room, he has not left the guest bed the whole day, laying back in a stiff, and poised posture, his hands clasped across his stomach, the scene had been to stale to watch.

With a huff I returned my book to its space in my hair, by now I can read most of the letters residing on the pages thanks to my constant practice, yet I can not comprehend the important pieces, its annoying to know you are stuck, but not having a way to fix it or know why it needs to be fixed is aggravating.

The sun had set once again, its surprisingly dark tonight in compared to the bright stars that shone previously, it leaves the land in an ominous atmosphere.

I could hear a faint shuffle from the building, a hardwood window stiffly lifted from its rest. Peeking around the corner I caught Hoodie straightening himself after climbing through the narrow opening, backpack flung over his shoulder.

His neck crooked at me, a small, annoyed sigh "Hey thing, come with me, I need to return to my master, would be nice to have an escort, preferable one willing to put in the footwork."

I eyed him suspiciously, no one just crawls out their benefactor's window without a reason, and the hell is he saying about foot work, I have no plans yet and I don't want to wonder off with the vigilantes about, especially know that they know I am around.

Hoodie waited for my decision, when I refrained from giving any sign of moving, he sighed, rubbing the back of his head, and placing his back onto the ground.

A nice smell enveloped the back once it is open, an amazing smell so nostalgic and heart wrenching the drool mixed along with sable tears.

Hoodie pulled out a warm wrapped Arby's burger.

"Ill make you a deal, you can have my dinner if you give me a ride, I just so happen to have two on me, ill give you one now, you get me home, Ill give you the second" unwrapping the meal, he held the burger out to me, wearily watching my actions.

A single tear slid down my cheek, if you have seen a person cry for the taste of a soggy buned, meat stuffed, artificial cheese melted, God of a sandwich, you know the path of fate has opened.

This man has become my best friend with a single gesture, my man, if you need me to carry you across the land, ill take you all the way to the ocean.

I drag my tongue over his hand and around the burger, cradling the food with care. Hoodie ripped his hand away, disgusted by the amount of saliva accumulated.

The taste, the godly taste, for months I have sustained myself on berry's, nuts, the occasional animal, everything so singularly dull and got old quick, but now I could feel my soul revisiting its reason to live.

I kneel, eyes sparkling kindly, please my friends, use me how you want.

Hoodie seemed uncomfortable with my gaze, he subconsciously took a step back before shaking his head, he used my leg as a step, easily lifting himself over my body like a pro jockey, he patted away some of his dried blood from my hair before gripping it tight.

He kicked my flank, pulling my hair, "lets go thing, I don't have the fortune of waiting any more time."

I puffed, eager to fulfill my task for the promised reword, Hoodie had not expected my starting speed, catching his balance before he could slide of the back.

He did not attempt to slow me down, focusing on steering while trusting me not to trip over my own feet, I tried to make the ride as smooth as possible as Hoodie clutched his abdomen protectively, obviously not healed after only a few days.

We entered an area of the forest I am not familiar with, but I do recognize the feeling it gave off, when I first arrived in this forest, I ventured a little too far into this area, promptly turning around when it gave me chills.

This side of the forest has a different environment, not to the eyes perhaps, its not that I can feel something wrong, in fact, its what I don't feel that's giving me chills. the land is beautiful, dark, mysterious, yet there is not a hint of life, everything feels confined, enclosed, its not something I can easily describe.

"We are almost there. Damn, had my phone not been broken my life would be a lit easer right now", Hoodies body double over, he straightened himself almost instantly, but his feigning could not deceive the delicate whiff of blood, his stitches have popped, his wound reopened.

I could feel some sweat on my brow, I am not looking forward to having a replay of Hoodie fainting and me carrying him until he dies. I am grateful to the universe when an old worn mansion displayed through the trees, I could just make out Masky pacing at the entrance, his hands flapping in conversation.

My sudden appearance had startled the man, who quickly gave Hoodie his interest, I however am the most surprised of all, the man Masky was having a conversation with, the man who I completely overlooked as these twos boss, is none other then The Slenderman himself.


I want to thank everyone for the support so far, I have been given so many wonderful comments and I am sorry if I have not responded to them, instead of sounding like a broken record of how im 'so glad you enjoy it' I want to say now Thank You to everyone of my readers, I have seen everyone's comments and enjoy seeing so many different perspectives of this story.

I am sorry to say this book is so close to being completed, but I have many ideas to be written so don't be sad.



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