Chapter 35

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As we pull into the parking garage, my heart starts to pound consistently against my chest. This is what it's like in the real world, isn't it? It's scary, but it's also really exciting. Getting to know that I'll be living with both Jonah and Caleb makes me super excited, and all I want to do is spin around in circles and scream in joy.

"Hello." the lady from the phone says to us both.

"Hey!" we both say in unison.

"Are you guys ready to see the condo?" she asks with an excited look on her face.

"Totally!" I say, smiling like a fool.

"Let's do it!" Jonah says, then looks at me with a big smile plastered on his face.

We all walk up the concrete stairs, and she unlocks the doors for us. I'm so glad that this place is secure.

When inside, she makes sure the door is shut tight, then we go up a couple flights of stairs, turn to our right, and just there on the left side is condo 14C. This is it.

She unlocks the doors and opens them. Inside, there is a big space of wide open room. This is obviously the living room. When you turn to the right, it is the dining room and then the kitchen. Just down the hall from that is two bedrooms and a bathroom. The rooms are big and have a decent-sized closet, which is totally awesome, because both Jonah and I have tons and tons of clothes.

The other room is going to obviously be Caleb's room. He will have enough room for his bed and all of his millions and millions of toys. And don't forget the closet for all of his clothes and shoes. That boy is spoiled.

When we get done looking around the whole condo-which doesn't take all that much time-, we all walk back to the front door.

"So?" she says in a questionable way.

I look over at Jonah and just seeing the look on his face, I know that he loves it just as much as I do.

"I can speak for both of us," I say, "we freaking love it!"

She smiles wide. "Yay! I'm so glad."

She then hands us a whole bunch of paperwork and tells us to look it all over and do what we have to do, and as soon as we have the first months rent and deposit, the keys will be ours.

I can't believe we are buying our very first condo!


A WEEK LATER, we have everything paid for and the condo is ready for us to move into. This is seriously so exciting. I can't wait for our life together!

Jonah and I are both packing all of our belongings, even Caleb's stuff, and we are renting a uhaul truck to move all of our stuff over to the condo. Let's just say that with all three of us combined, we have a ton of stuff to move.

"I can't believe this is happening." Jonah says, folding clothes and stuffing them into the boxes.

"I know." I say.

I lean over and kiss him.

"I'm glad I'm moving in with you and Caleb though. I think we will have the time of our lives together, and I can see us living together forever and ever." I smile at him, and he smiles back.

"Yes, I definitely agree. Our life together is just beginning."

This is really happening. No going back now.


AFTER A TOTAL OF FIVE-AND-A-HALF HOURS, we are all moved in. Well, kind of. We have all the boxes in the house and everything else. Like our beds and such.

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