Chapter 20

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My heart instantly dropped down into my stomach. 

"What?" I finally managed to choke out.

"Jonah is the father of the baby. He didn't tell you?"

I sat there, stunned. I looked over at Jonah and I saw tears running down his cheek. 

"No, he hasn't." I said, then cleared my throat.

"Oh." is all she said back.

For a minute, there was nothing but awkward silence. A few clearing of the throats, a cough here and there, then finally I decided to speak up. This time, no matter what, fighting for who I love the most.

"And what exactly was your point of coming down here?" I asked. "Was it to get him back or to make him leave? Well, he isn't. He loves me."

For the first time since this started, Jonah looked up at me shocked. At first I thought he was stunned for me speaking up.

"No, no. None of that." she said. "I just needed to tell him."

"You aren't needed here. You could have called and told him that."

For a minute, she sat there silent. She was lost for words.

"Well," she started to say, "the problem is, I don't want the baby."

Both mine and Jonah's jaws dropped and we were looking at her crazy.

"Allison, don't give up the baby or even get an abortion." Jonah said.

"Why don't you want it?" I asked.

"I have a life for me planned out. A wonderful one." she began to tear up.

For a minute, I didn't know what to say. Then Jonah spoke up.

"I'll keep the baby."

I looked over at him, stunned. "What?"

"I'm not letting this baby get put up for an adoption or even letting her have an abortion. I'd rather keep the baby than anything else."

I stood there understanding what he was saying. 

"I'll help him." I finally said.

She looked at me and smiled. "Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. I've always wanted a baby, but you know, can't have one cause I'm gay. So, I'd adopt when I get older, but for now, I'll help raise the baby like my own until I can adopt him or her.

She walked over to me and hugged me. "Thank you, so much."

"You're welcome."

A little bit later, Jonah and I sat on my bed. We were talking about everything that happened earlier and we were shocked, but also kind of happy about it all.

"I'm sorry it all happened." he said to me.

"It's alright. At least it is all over."

He smiled at me, then leaned it to kiss me. He then pulled me in closer. "I'm proud of you."

I smiled. "Why?"

"For standing up for yourself and all. You stood your ground and protected what you wanted."

I blushed. "Well, I lost you once and it didn't end well. I couldn't stand to lose you again."

"You weren't going to." he smiled.

I kissed him again. This time more passionately. 

"Are you even ready to have a baby?" I asked him after the kiss.

"I guess so. I don't want that baby to go up for adoption or even her having an abortion."

"I understand."

"Are you?" he asked.

"I'm ready for anything when I'm with you."

He instantly blushed. His cheeks got a beautiful shade of pink.

As the day was turning into night, Jonah kissed me goodnight and he headed off back home. I walked inside to find my mom and Adeline in the kitchen, chatting away.

"How's it going?" my mom asked.

"Great!' I over-exaggerated a little bit.

Adeline smiled at me. "Everything sorted out?"

"What do you mean, Addy?"

She looked over at me.

"Oh nothing," I said to my mom, "it's all done and over with."

She smiled. "Okay."

I grabbed a cup and got a glass of water. I took a sip and then stood there. Even though what all happened, happened. I'm fine with it all and I'm kind of glad it did happen. It helped Jonah and I grow stronger and be closer to one another.

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