Chapter 1: Nice too meet you

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"Y/n wake up!"Your mother shouted from downstairs

"I'm awake...!"You lazily shouted

You went downstairs and see your mom cooking food

"Good morning"your mom said

"Yeah, mornin'" you replied

"Eat now before your food might get cold"you mum smiled

"Oh and wake your sister's up"she said and you listened to her and you got upstairs

Near the stairs was your younger sister's room but your mom and your younger sister sleeps together in that room, and then there's a room next door and it was your older sister's house she has a spacious place but you didn't get jealous, you were contented with something you're with

The the next room to your older sister was yours.

You went to your sister's room and slam the door open, it made a Loud noise which she didn't still woke up, you punched you sister's thigh gently and she woke up and woke up immediately.

"H-huh? HWO- F-?"she said

"Wake up, eat breakfast"you said while heading to the other room which your younger sister was in, you got near her and started shaking her

"Wake up!"you said

"Arghh!"she hisses at you

Since your childhood with your younger sister you hated and loved each other, you would protect her and your older sister.

As soon as you got downstairs you forgotten about something

"Oh shoot my glasses"you said as you Speedrun the stairs As soon as you got your glasses, you got downstairs and heard a knock and you opened the door and saw

Abuela Alma Madrigal.

"Um hello Mrs. Madrigal, need anything?"you asked and she said

"Your family is invited to La Casita Madrigal, Antonio's Gift ceremony"she smiled and you bow

"Yes ma'am I will say that to Mamá, thankyou Mrs.Madrigal"you smiled and she closed the door

You called you mother

"Mamá"you called her

"Sí?"your mother asked

"We're invited to La Casa Madrigal, to join on Antonio's Gift ceremony"you shouted

"Oh that's nice ready your clothes and
tell your sister's"your mom said and you

"Mhm Mamà"you said as you head on the kitchen

"Sis were going to the Madrigal's to celebrate Antonio Madrigal's gift ceremony"you said while you clean the floor

~ T I M E P A S S E D ~

It was 4pm your mother, younger sister, older sister and you were changed and you closed everything, the doors, windows, everything and you and your family left

(If your wondering where is Y/n's father, he is working. He's a very hardworking person, that's you don't often see him, nor your family. You only get to see him only at night, cuz hes a very hardworking person yk what I meant. He's gonna show up in the place :) I promise)


All of the guest were warmly welcome by Camilo as he shapeshifts into an old man, an old lady and a child. As soon as your family were greeted you hide beside you older sister which was just 2/3 inches taller than you

You were relieved that you didn't get greeted, you had anxiety for no reason ;-;

As soon as you left there you were greeted by Casita moving the floors

"Kids, behave. This is a party, I want you three to be presentable, you could do whatever you want, but please behave. Okay?"Your Mother and Father said

"Ok"you replied

"Okayy"your sisters replied

"Mamà, can I come with you two?"your older sister said

"Me too mamà!"you younger sister said

"Okay, sure. What about you Y/n?"you mother asked

"Oh I'll just go and wander here. I promise, I will come and find you all"you said

"Oh okay Mijà we will see you in a moment" your mother said as they walked in the crowed place

As soon as they were no where seen, you were touched by the shoulder, you jumped and looked behind to look, it was

"Camilo Madrigal?"you asked

"Mhm, that's me! The greatest Madrigal, of course"he grin at you

"Oh really?"you sarcastically said, folded your arms and smirked at him

"of course"he rolls his eyes jokingly and smirked back at you, which made you blush tomato red

"Uhh- haha"you said still blushing red

"Huh? What's this..."he said as he uses his index and thumb finger to wipe your cheek

You felt heat through your cheeks, you never felt this way before, but to Camilo Madrigal himself

"E-eh... I don't"you said as he chuckles softly

"Haha, your blushing. I see it"he smirked at you again

"Hey Camilo, stop scaring the poor girl"You saw Dolores walking by closing her ears

"Yeah yeah"he said as he goes out mocking Dolores

"Ah sorry Y/n, about my little brother. He's very childish"Dolores said

"It's okay Dolores. Oh by the way, let's talk on that corner, it's very noisy and crowded here"you said as you brought her at the corner

Dolores was a friend, you met her when you were 11 years old

"Yeah Dolores, don't worry about that"you smiled at her

"Yeah Y/n, thanks for understanding"she smiled and head back out

You felt someone lean in your shoulder, it was Camilo Again.

"Ugh.. Camilo what now..."you groaned

"Hmm? I've seen you with my sister. By the way what's your name?"he asked

"I'm Y/n L/n"you said

"So you've been friends with my sister since three years?"He asked

"Mhm...?"you not surely said

"Oh but I've never seen you before with my sister"he asked outing a finger on his chin

"Oh it's because I'm always busy with chores, and I never get to see her. My parents are quite strict"you said

"Hmm... Is doing naughty things bad?"he slightly smirk

"Yuck! Camilo. Fuck off!"you said jokingly push him

"Oh look at me, I'm Y/n L/n"he said as he imitates your voice and shapeshifts into you

"Haha"you hit him jokingly

"Oh I better get going, my parents might worry"you said as you pat his back

"Oh bye Hermosa!"he said as he smirked and you blushed red tomato

As soon as he was nowhere found you seem to calm down

Your Mind

Arghh fuck! I'm blushing!

1094 WORDS

Sorry for the first chapter I think it's very cringe, uhhh anyways thanks for reading Uhh... I'm very akward writing meetups anyways Thanks!

~ L O A D I N G ~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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