Chapter 2

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Hello everyone:)  Sorry for the long wait, but my computer is fixed!! Hooray! Okay, so I know this is short again, but don't worry because I'll be uploading more onto this chapter tonight/tomorrow afternoon.  This is partly because I didn't have time to write any more, I've got two big exams tomorrow, but once I'm done studying, I'll upload more, promise!  So think of it more as a sneek peek of the chapter;)  Anyways, if you didn't know, I'm also writing another story called "Only At Night" so be sure to check that out!

****NEW:  Ooh I lied.  I'm sorry:'(  I hate lying.  Anyways, I know you are all probably so impatient with me, I would be too!  I haven't been able to write for a while.. computer problems, and I've got a HUGE research project that's due wayyy to soon, eek!  I hate excuses as well, but I won't be posting until the 13th (i'msosorry!) but I PROMISE I will be no later

On a happier note, I am so happy to say that my story's got a 100 reads!!  I just want to thank you so much guys, it totally made my day!!


Matthaios POV:

“Do you want me to take her?” Tobi offered, “You’ve been carrying her for a while.”

“No,” I mumbled, “I’m fine.”  The sweat on my forehead and my faltering step betrayed me

“Matt, let Tobi carry her, you’re just going to wear yourself out.” Mina said exasperatedly.

I reluctantly let Tobi take her from me, gently setting her in his outstretched arms.


Tobi POV:


The sky was a fuzzy gray-green hue.  The trees shook violently from the wind, as lightning flared in the sky.  The thunder rumbled across the land, and rain poured down from the heavens.  My dark brown hair was matted to my hair.  “What’s happening?” she whispered quietly. 

I turned to look at Alis, who was currently clutching my arm in fear.  Her long caramel hair was saturated with rain water, as it hung in strands around her face.

By the look in her eyes, I knew she could feel it too.  There was something wrong with this storm.  Even the rain was off, and almost felt acidic as it fell on my skin.  “I don’t know, but I don’t have a good feeling about this” I whispered back.

We sat in silence for a few minutes until I noticed that the lightning seemed to come closer and closer to the field we were sitting in.  “Come on,” I said, beginning to feel like this field was a bad omen, “we better get back to town.  It’s not safe out here.”

She nodded and stood up, and as we walked away, a loud crack sounded behind us.  Turning around, I saw the old willow tree we had been sitting under just moments ago go up in flames.  My eyes met Alis’s, and we broke into a sprint. 

We had almost made it back into town, and I was running ahead of Alis by no more than ten or more meters when the ominous sky lit up and I heard a scream.  I spun around to find her on the ground; I ran over to her and looked down at her in scared senseless and not knowing what to do.  “Alis?” I whispered, but she was completely still.  I kneeled down to check her pulse, but suddenly she sprang up, and yelled, “Gotcha!”

“Loser” I muttered, shaking my head in disgust.

“Tobi!  Did you see yourself?  You jumped a good few feet in the air!” she laughed hysterically, clutching her stomach.

“Oh come on, let’s go.” I growled.


I looked down at Alis and tried to remember the bright-eyed girl who was always so upbeat and full of life, but in her place lay a dirty, bone-dry girl with cracked lips, faded skin, and knotted hair.

It had been hours from the time I started to carry Alis, and slowly the fatigue settled in my bones.  As it went down, the sun had left behind a dense fog that covered the cracked earth.  “Do you think that we could,” I coughed dryly, “rest for a while?”

Mina only gave me a look.  Matt and Rian looked at each other, assessing my request. 

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea..” Rian began.

“But we haven’t rested in two days!  We’ll all just like end up like Alis if we don’t stop” I yelled hoarsely.

“We’ve heard enough stories of what happens out here at night.” she countered.  “Personally, I’d rather lose some sleep than end up being murdered and having my carcass picked apart by savages” she spat, as Matt winced at the bluntness of her words.

“Come on,” I whined, “we could take turns sleeping.  Two people could stand guard while the rest of us sleep.”

“Fine” Mina huffed, and tossed her scraggly black hair over her shoulder.  She looked around us suspiciously and hastily added, “but I’m sleeping first.”  Lord, she could really piss you off sometimes.

The rest of us just glanced at her and rolled our eyes.  We all knew what a drama queen Mina could be.  Despite this, she typically tended to be the best at making good decisions and the most levelheaded.

I kneeled on the ground, with Alis still in my arms, and gently lowered her to the ground.  I lay down next to her, and closed my eyes.  Beside me, I could hear Mina’s ragged breathing.  It was a matter of seconds before I drifted off to sleep.


Author's Note: I added more!  Aren't you proud of me?  WHAT DO YOU THINK'S GONNA HAPPEN NEXT?!  I kind of feel like killing Soterian off.. O_o  What do YOU think?  Make me happy.. VOTE AND COMMENT please!:D

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