Part 1

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Fenton Crackshell sat down at the chair at the other end of the table. The meal was.. odd. It appeared to be some form of fish with seemingly random fruits. With a red wine. Crackshell had never really tried anything harder than a root beer. So he was, of course, mildly curious despite all the many, many, horror stories his mother had told him his whole life. Perhaps even because of that element of forbidden fruit. Like how one can look at acid, the flesh melting kind, well knowing what it can do but still want to drink it just for how it looks. Fenton picked up his fork and ate the fruit he knew of. "I'm glad you came here tonight. I do enjoy your company." Scrooge McDuck offered some comfort, "If you want to eat something else, I can get..." The younger duck waved off the offer politely. He kept eating, now finding the fish to surprise him. It was good, really good. Not great, just really good. Maybe it was the unknown pink ish fruits.

Regardless of what made the fish good, Fenton Crackshell enjoyed his meal. Scrooge McDuck shrugged this off at a tiny victory and got more comfortable, by drinking a little of his own glass. The taller duck found himself looking at his glass again. It was a neat shade of red. Too bright to be blood but not a candy color. The richest duck in all of fiction picked up his head to look at his employee. The older duck was seemingly worried by how his eyes looked, like one may look at a chicken with it's heart hanging out it's chest as it sits on the ground just making dying sounds. Wait, maybe I'm just... remembering something rather unlucky. Still McDuck was about to say something. Crackshell drank half the glass. It was a little much, still the legal drug hadn't yet gotten to his brain. Yet. Scrooge took this as "Don't worry, I'm 100% okay." The scotty duck took another small drink, speaking up again, "Are you sure you want to drain your glass like that, laddy?" He was still unsure but only testing the water. Fenton cocked an eye at this. He attempted to downplay with causal calm, "I'm sure, Mr. McDuck."

The older man, still somewhat unsure, gave a pondering looking. He didn't want to press too hard, that'd be a little rude. The younger man was his guest and he shouldn't be poked with a firepoker just for a little amount of drug use. Especially if the richer man had partaken in such drug use himself. The taller man took another drink, now emptying his glass. The shorter man thought about how larger people could handle more drink than smaller people. Maybe he could handle more. The richest man in the world picked up the rather, sizable, bottle of wine. "I would completely understand if you don't want anymore but if you do. I can pour another glass, laddie." Fenton Crackshell picked up his cup. "I can handle more, McDuck, I am an adult." The younger bird tried more adult in front of his boss's boss. Scrooge McDuck nodded with a level of grim knowledge to his action, pouring another cup. The scientist took a smaller drink of the wine, before holding his glass up. "A toast to 'my great work' for Duckburg?" The superhero quizzed without any real thought to it being asked.

The rich bird clicked his glass, smiling a little. He was starting to feel like they were getting much more friendly. Even if... Well, let us just say that the wine is a little bit stronger than grape juice and a lot older than most birds alive on the planet. Or even off planet, now that I think about it. Which means, that things would be snowballing down hill fast as soon as it gets into their brains. Now, our hero hasn't ever touched a lick of this stuff in his whole, damn, life. Let us add this math up, seeing as our science man won't be able to in a few glasses. He'll be able to count, after all he is still Fenton Crackshell, but outside of that I'd say he isn't getting any A+ in the state he will soon be in. A legal drug is still a drug, kiddos. It can still murder you. Lucky for our hero duck, he isn't going to kill himself on this drug but he will get himself hit petty hard.

Fenton Crackshell took another drink, just taking off 1/4. Scrooge McDuck sat back in his seat, taking the glass down to half with him. After enough fancy parties, one can gear out what it takes to black out on wine. I would guess, at least. I was banned from parties after my 10th or 12th birthday, long story but I had a few problems with telling people no because I have a mild social handicap and I didn't understand what my "friend" was trying to do... That was probably way too much info. Yeah, and too personal. Moving on from traumatic events that some people say "You just need to move on from," the two duck began to talk to each other again. "Don't be afraid to call me Scrooge, Fenton. We are close enough for first names by now, lad." McDuck poked lightly. Crackshell tested the waters, after a quick sip. "Are you sure you want me to call you, Scrooge?" The rich bird gave a friendly wave off. "I told you could, Fenton. If you are feeling nervous or uncomfortable about using my name, you can continue to call me whatever makes you happy. You shouldn't ever be scared in my house, you are my guest after all."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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