The talk (part 1)

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I woke up the next morning and I couldn't get him off my mind. He was stuck in my head and to be completely honest I didn't want him to go. I knew I had to talk to him last night when I saw him again but how?
I kept seeing him when I was outside so I had to be outside to meet him. I thought if I went to play at that park again he would return. There was only one issue music brings nothing good and I hate it. I was going to go to the park but I wasn't going to play.
Going to the park was the easy thing it was seeing him that made my heart race.
I sat on the bench and looked around then the thought popped in my head. Was I crazy to think coming here would mean I had a potential of meeting him? But that's when I saw him. I could see his fluffy chestnut brown hair that made my heart race. I didn't know what to do, what to say. He started walking towards me and then sat on the bench next to me. My heart was racing.
"Hey am I crazy or do we keep seeing eachother?" He asks me.
"No your not crazy" I said trying to stay calm. My heart was pounding so much I thought it was going to come out of my chest.
"You have a nice voice do you sing often?" He asks staring deep into my eyes.
I laugh and say,"no I don't play often I actually hate music." He looks at me with his dark blue eyes and smiles. "I'm Polly"
"Hi Polly I'm..."

(Write in the comments a name for my character and next chapter I will reveal the name)

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