What is this book?

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If you made it here, congrats!

Now, what the heck are you doing here? 

This book is an idea that I decided on a breeze.

It will be like my way of speaking with y'all without posting chapters that have not any link with the story, on a story.

I will also post ideas of stories I had and failed to bring to life and some ideas that I keep in the back of my head. 

Like, you know I have a "lot" of ideas, the 2 "Sample" are the proof, and I'm happy that "Green Dragon" received only positive reactions. I mean, I made it clear that it will only be updated later in the year and at least 3 people put it in their reading list.

Thank you.

Also, I will speak about random stuff (maybe).

It will depends of my humor on the moment. Just you know, the day I publish this message, I'm writing a list of all the stories I failed to give them to you if u want to write. 

Have a nice day! 

Val out!

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