Chapter 15

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I woke up to the sound of someone knocking urgently on the door. Duncan apparently did too because he got up and I followed him towards the door. A small male was on the other side. "What is it Harold?" He hesitated before speaking. "It's the Queen. She is looking for you...and Princess Courtney." His eyes drifted towards me. I looked at Duncan and took a shaky breath. Taking hi hand I led him to the crowd of people. Nudging my way through, I saw my mother already grilling Bridgette. "Your parents are going to be so upset! They were already worried when I called earlier!" Then her eyes landed on mine and all her attention that was formerly on Bridgette turned to me.

"Courtney." It came out as quiet but full of venom. I grabbed Duncan's hand tighter, I'm pretty sure he was losing circulation but he didn't let go. "Mother." I said, using all my courage to sound strong besides the fact that I was terrified as hell and all I wanted to do was lock myself in a closet.

She stepped towards her. "Let's talk about this in private. In the castle. Let's go." She didn't want to "talk." It was going to be her yelling at me and me having to obey her word. I just knew she didn't want everyone here to see her for what she really was. A cruel and bad mother. "No." It surprised even me, to here those words finally come out of my mouth. "Excuse me?" That clearly wasn't the answer she was expecting and it took her off guard. I had come this far and I was starting to feel this surge of power rise within me.

"I said no. I've always done what you've wanted. Always tried to be the perfect daughter but you never cared. It was never good enough for you. You don't care about me. If you did I wouldn't be marrying Justin. But you won't control me anymore. Because I love Duncan and I'm having his baby whether you like it or not. If you don't like it, then you can kindly fuck off!" My Mother looked like she had gotten slapped and for a second, I felt bad but the feeling wore off once I remembered what I was dealing with.

My mother growled and suddenly keeping her cool in front of all these people didn't matter. "Courtney. If you still want to be my daughter, you will get in this carriage! Or stay with this scum and you will no longer be known as my daughter!" I shook my head. She was a selfish bitch. And I was finally free of her. "I pick to stay with Duncan." I turned on my heel and grabbed Duncan's hand, leaving her to stand in shock. Then I stopped in my tracks. I turned and walked back. "I guess I won't be needing this anymore. Tell Justin it just wasn't meant to be." I threw the ring at her and left her standing there. I wasn't her daughter anymore but I was finally free of her control. I gave Duncan a peck on the lips and watched as Bridgette walked up to my mom too and threw her engagement ring at her feet. "Tell my parents I'm staying with Geoff! I don't care if they disown me either!" Then she turned and gave Geoff a huge kiss. Everybody around us started to clap and cheer. My mom looked around in frustration before stomping into the carriage and driving away. "And we lived happily ever after." I stated as Duncan squeezed my shoulders.

- Duncan and Courtney welcomed baby Ace 7 months later and were married shortly after.
- Bridgette and Geoff got married a couple of weeks after Bridgette's disownment.
-Justin lost his fame after Courtney broke off the engagement. He now works as a struggling model.
-Courtney's mother never did come around to making amends with Courtney and Duncan and opted to serve as Queen until she died of a heart attack. Courtney and Duncan took throne shortly after that.
- Gwen and Trent got married and had a baby named Jamie!!!!
And that's the end! I was originally going to make another chapter the epilogue but then I was like nah. I thought 15 was a good number. I want to give a special thank you to my fellow readers who encouraged me to continue updating. Now I am going to be focusing on Broken!

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