Chapter 2 : The Wardrobe

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Y/ns Pov

"hi im Y/n"

"hi I'm Lucy this is Edmund Susan and-" the brownish haired girl started "and I'm Peter, Peter Pevensie"he Interrupted "nice to meet you" I responded "wasn't your hair down and straight" mrs Macready said oh shoot I forgot my hair was down "I um I Braided it yeah I braided it what do you think I do up there" I say laughing but secretly cursing I'm my mind "Right then show them to there room" Mrs Macready said I smile and take them to their rooms "sorry your sharing with me" I tell the girls "I don't mind" Peter said "I was talking to your sisters sorry Pete" I say and tapped his shoulder "and speaking rooms heres yours Pete" I tell him "did you just Nickname" he asks "yep gets use to it" "right then I'm giving you a nickname y/n/n (Your nickname)" he tells me I just nodded and walk out showing the girls our room.


"the sheets are scratchy" Lucy complains

"wars don't last forever Lucy. We'll be home soon" Susan said trying to lighten the mood

"thats if theres a home to go to" Edmund Muttered I heard though

"isn't time you were in bed" Susan said Annoyed I wasn't the only one who heard him

"yes mum"Edmund said back

"ED" Peter says annoyed "you saw the outside. This place is Huge. We'll be able to do to whatever we want. Tomorrow gonna to be great . Really." Peter said Excitedly.

-timeskip (yes anther) 3RD person -

Lucy wakes up Excitedly only to see that Y/n isn't asleep in the bed next to her she runs over to Susan and shakes her awake "what" her Groggy voice asked confused "have you seen Y/n" she asked "no maybe she's outsi-" Susan was Cut off by the Heavy rain "maybe not then ."

Lucy was worried about Y/n no one knew.

Lucy, Susan , Edmund and Peter ate changed and was now siting in the girls room.

"GAS-TRO-VAS-CU-LAR Come on Peter Gas-tro-vas-cu-lar" Susan said

''is it Latin"Peter asked more as a question then a response

"yes" Susan said and waited for the meaning

"is it Latin for the worse game ever invented" Edmund asked annoyed by the whole thing Susan slams shut the dictionary

''we could play hide and seek" Lucy said

"But we're already having so much fun" Peter said

"Come on Peter, please! Pretty please?" Lucy asked

"One, two, three, four...." Peter said smiling

"What?!" Edmund responded

"....five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 11..." Peter started counting The children run to hide. Lucy goes to hide behind a curtain but Edmund runs up and pushes her out.

"I was here first!" Edmund explained

Lucy was running around and spotted a 2 doors and ran to first one which so happens to be locked Lucy ran to the second door and opened it she saw a white sheet over something she pulls it off to see a wardrobe and runs in leaves the door open a bit and screams as someone puts there hand around her Mouth .

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