Random angst

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Chapter 2
TW: SH, sewerslide

After that, I finally woke up. Dolores was sleeping next to me in a chair. I guess I lived to tell the tail some would say. Even if I did die, I would want to leave a note. I sat up knowing no one else was in the room. Dolores opened her eyes, and her eyes widened, and I smiled.

"Camilo, you're awake!" She said, crying

"Yeah," i said, smiling

Dolores then called the doctors in to get me back home though I had to stay in bed for a week I knew right when abuela heard that she'd start yelling or just give me a look that I hated.

The next day

I woke up and Immediately got discharged and got to go home when I did I could see abuela right at the door I ignored her and went straight to my room though she was giving me that look again but I just ignored it I was to tired to deal with her right now I just slipped right by her

I got to my bed a second after that and just went to sleep I was healed from the bleeding though I don't know about the other thing it's like it's still not gone ever I know I can transform into a ton of different me's because I turned into a girl once though abuela walked in so I could never do that again I can transform into a short, long, normal hair I can even change the color of it sometimes if I have  enough energy but I didn't most days.

Later when I could leave my room it was the same as before, they keep doing the same thing over and over and over again knowing there are consequences of the house to continue falling but they still just don't change a bit it literally makes me want to snap but I don't cause I know I'll have consequences if I do that so I just keep quite about that kinda stuff. I also don't talk as much as I used to I still do alot actually but just less than before everyone did notice except for abuela of course but Dolores soon found out that I was still in "shock" from it or atleast that's what she thought I wasn't obviously but I did look like it. I did end up doing it again, but I just couldn't handle it...

They don't care

I grabbed a razer from my bathroom and ...

They wouldn't care if you died

And I did it. I killed my own self

Dolores was the first to know, of course, and she rushed to my room and screamed for help. I could see my body so I didn't go to heaven or hell. I wonder why maybe it wasn't my time. I was still young, so...

And yet they saved me...

We had a very, very, very long talk after, and I tried to live fake, and it worked though Dolores still knew i was unhappy she didn't say a word...

The end of random angst
If you have any story ideas, feel free to tell me I would live to write them

Word count: 541

Camilo AngstWhere stories live. Discover now