"Can you Hold me, please"

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(A few days after last chapter) (starts 10 pm) (TW: Sh)
Addy's POV:
Rn I was in my room, watching YouTube on my computer. I have been out of headspace for two days, so I haven't been eating because I've gained weight from when I was in headspace.

I whine, as someone knocks on my door. "Come in" i say, pausing my video. My door opens and it was momma. She had a plate in her hand with cut up banana and vegan goldfish on it.

"Hey baby, I brought you a snack since you didn't eat breakfast" momma says, walking over to me and putting the plate on my desk. She kisses my head, then leaves. After a few minutes, I was stuck between headspace, and I couldn't slip fully.

I didn't want any of the food momma brought me, but I did want to be held. Maybe that will help me slip. I get up, grabbing the binky that was on my desk and I leave my room. I go downstairs, and momma was cleaning up. Mom was out getting groceries.

"Momma" I say, walking over to her. "Hi, my love, what's up" momma says, looking at me with a warm smile. "Can you Hold me, please" I say, holding my arms out. "Of course, baby" momma says, picking me up.

I put the binky in my mouth, as i started to suckle on it, trying to find a rhythm. Momma was rubbing my back, as she whispered sweet things in my ear. After a few minutes, I finally found a rhythm and now I was suckling my binky happily.

I slipped into my headspace of 2, as I snuggled into momma's chest. Momma noticed I slipped, and we went back upstairs. "What headspace are you in princess" momma asks, laying me down on hers and mama's bed. "Twos" I say, holding up two with my fingers, making momma laugh.

"Ok silly baby, let's get you changed into a pull up" momma says, walking over with a pull up and wipes in her hand. Momma takes off my sweatpants, frowning at all of the Fresh cuts on my thighs.

She wipes me and then puts the pull up on me. Momma picks me back up, i start tugging at her shirt, wanting milky. Momma moves her shirt up, unclips her bra, and I latch on, starting to suckle, drinking down mommas sweet milky.

(Time Skip a few hours later)
Momma and mom were out on a date, I was out of headspace, so they let me stay home. Rn I'm in my room watching YouTube, while coloring in a coloring book.

An hour back, momma and mom cleaned all of my cuts which hurt really bad, but all the voices in my head kept yelling at me to cut more. After 20 minuets of trying to fight it, I gave up and got up.

I go to my bathroom, close the door and making sure I locked it. I slide down the wall, hot tears running down my face, as I grab my blade. I still had a pull up on, so I just started cutting my legs.

My eyes blurry from my tears, i wince, as I cut over one of the cuts that were healing. After making many cuts, I hide my blade and wiped my eyes.

I look down at my cuts, panicking when I saw how much blood there was. I grab a red towel, and I try to wipe the blood away, making me wince because I didn't put water on the towel.

I felt my self start to slip into headspace again. This is not good. I tried my best not to slip into headspace, but it wasn't working. I felt my legs go numb, and I heard my phone ringing. Shit.

I get up, using the counter and door to help me stand. I unlock the door and slowly walk out of the bathroom. I fall into the floor, and I just lay there, bleeding. Is this the way I'm going to die?

My phone stopped ringing, and then started ringing again. I move my way to my phone, using my arms to move, wincing at the pain of my legs dragging against the rough carpet.

I Grab my phone and it was mom. I answer the call, starting to sob loud at the throbbing pain in my legs.

"Addy baby what's wrong" mama asks, her Voice laced with concern. "Ne mama" I cry out, starting to scratch my cuts, trying to stop the pain.

"Oh hunny, what's wrong" mama asks, as I started to feel lightheaded. "Wed, bwood, mama ne, ne mama" I say, as I felt like I was about to pass out, so I put my fingers into my mouth, starting to chew on them for comfort.

I start sobbing harder, wanting to be with momma and mama, and for the pain to go away. "Stay calm baby, me and momma are leaving right now, calm down baby" is all I heard mama say, before I passed out.

Billie's POV:
Me and Drew rush into the car, starting it up, and I start driving. "Baby, you still there, me and momma are on our way" I say, but I got no response. Oh god.

"Addy darling, can you hear me, are you ok" i say waiting a few minutes for a response, but still no response. "Addy, are you ok, you there" I say, no response still, making me and Drew panic.

I speed up, staying on the phone so if something happens I can hear it. Once I got home, i parked, me and Drew got out of the car and ran into the house.

I hang up the phone and we run upstairs to addy's room. I open the door, my heart skipping a beat when I saw addy passed out on the floor, her fingers in her mouth, and her thighs bleeding heavily.

Me and Drew run over to her, I pick addy up, while Drew went into addy's bathroom. I lay addy down on her bed, and Drew comes over with damp towels.

I put the damp towels on addy's thighs, applying pressure. "Here babe, keep applying pressure so the bleeding will stop, I'm going to go get the first aid kit" i say, Drew nods, and I leave the room.

I go downstairs to the kitchen, grab the first aid kit, and then run back upstairs. Drew moves and I take the towel off of addy's right thigh. Drew grabs it and puts it in addy's Landry bin, as I got addy's cuts covered with bandaids.

Once I was done bandaging addy's cuts on both of her thighs, she started waking up. I rub her stomach, as her eyes opened slowly.

"Hi baby, hello hunny" I say, as addy looks at me, her eyes squinted, as her eyes adjusted to the light. "Mama" addy says, as she started crying again, while reaching her arms out for me.

I pick her up, and she snuggles into me, while holding onto my shirt with a tight grip. "Shhh shhh, it's ok baby, your ok, me and momma are right here" i say, rubbing addy's back, as she stated to calm down.

Her eyes red from crying, Her cheeks were bright red and tear stained, as snot ran out of her nose, and her skin warm to the touch from her room being warm.

Drew walks over, giving me addy's binky, and I slip the binky into addy's mouth as she started sucking on it. For the rest of the day, addy stayed cling to me or Drew, and both of us made sure that she didn't cut anymore.

Ok so I hope y'all liked this chapter, y'all have any ideas don't be scared to put them in the comments, stay fruity ❤️bye loves❤️
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