The Incident

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Time: 10:34 PM Date: August 18th 2016

Crickets chirped, the birds were asleep
everything was peaceful...well for you at least, you were sound asleep but it wasn't the same for your Boyfriend..

He was wide awake, unable to sleep because of the noises outside, the screams that sounded too human scared him. He decided to get up and check through the window to see if he can see anything.

"A dog?" He whispered, wondering what the hell a dog is doing outside, until it stood up not like a regular dog but almost as if it was standing like a human.

Your boyfriend held is scream back, scared for his life.

"(Name) we have to get out of here!" He whisper shouted

"Hmm huhh?" You said still sleepy asf
"What's wrong (bf name)?" You said, upset he woke you up.

"Theres um uh something weird outside" he said with a worried frown

"Ugh really? You woke me up because you're a pussy? Jesus Christ (bf name) let me check" you got up out of bed walking to the window, as you stared outside, you saw...


*sigh* "God why am I even your s/o?" You question him

"Huh? Wait what?" He said confusingly
"(Name I swear there was something there!)

"Mhm whatever just go back to sleep"


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