You Seem Different

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Time: 06:00 AM Date: August 25th 2016

Your alarm went off, waking you up
You lift up your arm trying to feel around for your boyfriend.

"Hmmm (boyfriend name)?" You asked
As you open your eyes you realized

He's not there..

"The fuck?" You said confusingly, you got up, did your daily routine, then you headed down stairs.

That's when you see him.

"Oh! babe! What are you doing down stairs?"

He said nothing, just staring at the turned off tv.

"Ba- babe?" He said with a dry voice, turning towards you, he looked at you with red eyes, almost like he's been crying

"Hey! What's wrong? Are you ok?" You said nervously "did something bad happened last night?"

"N-n-no i-im fine" he struggled with his words

"Here cmon let's get you some water, your throat seems dry" you say while helping him up.

You passed him a glass of water, you said while he drinks it "did that that thing scare you again"?

He nodded his head.

"Awwh I'm sorry dear, I probably shouldn't have joked about it if it scared you that much" you said whilst patting his back

"I- it's fine" he attempted a smile

"Alright let's get you upstairs, you need some sleep, I bet you barley even slept late night" you frowned

Time: 6:52 PM

You and your "boyfriend" were on the couch watching a movie.

You were in his lap focusing on the movie while he was staring outside, almost as if he's spaces out

"Hey, you ok? You've been staring outside for awhile now" you said.

"Y-yeah I'm fine" he said, putting his eyes back on the TV.

You decided to give him a kiss in the cheek, smiling then going back to the movie.

Your "boyfriends" mouth dropped eyes wide, almost as if that was the first kiss he's ever gotten in his life.

You giggled, "what's wrong? That's not the first kiss I've given you before, why so shocked?"

"I- um" he nervously spoke

"Haha don't worry, I know my kissed make you happy, so I won't judge" you giggled


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