Chapter 3: Grand Servant

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Y/N: When I will grow up, I will be like you!

???: Is that so? But be careful, this isn't a path everyone can follow, are you sure?

Y/N: Yes! I will be a Great Hero!

???: Then, let's make a contract, both of us

Mash: Master?

I opened my eyes, and see Mash, looking at me curious, as I smiled

Y/N: Ah, Mash, thank you for waking me up. It's quite the toll to fight Servant after all

Mash: Yes, it is harder than what I thought, but I feel that with you, I can beat them

Y/N: Well, if you are at my side, Mash, we both are invincible, Fou Included

Fou: Fou!

Mash: Thank you, Master!

Y/N: So, where are the Director and the servant?

Mash: They are on the roof, talking

Y/N: I see......... Maybe they're talking about the plan

Narrator POV

Olga: A Human fusing with a Grand Servant........ An Homunculus can hold the pressure of a Servant, but a Human....... You are not joking, aren't you?

Caster: Nah, I'm not. And by how the Kid fight, I would go for either Saber, or Rider, by how agile he is

Olga: Romani, any news on Y/N's mana?

Romani: Nothing, it's like something is blocking our analyze......

Olga: Tch..... I will face him myself

???: Face who?

She stopped in her track, when she saw Y/N walk past her, a smile on his face

Olga: Y-Y-

Y/N: Say, Caster, you haven't said anything bad about me in my back, right?

Caster: Huh? Who do you take me for? This Golden Bastard?

Y/N: He says insult, but he always told them in the face of the said one, no matter who they are, but I trust you here!

Olga: W-What Grand Servant are you?! Are you the Rider Grand Servant?!

Y/N: Well, you got it right on one point! I am a Grand Servant, but I am not the Rider Grand Servant!

Olga: How can a Human fuse with a Grand Servant?! The pressure would kill you!

Y/N: Hmmm....... I don't know, maybe you should try it!

Olga: Stop fooling around! Tell us who you are!

Y/N dropped his smile, before he looked at her, his eyes glowing a little

Y/N: Do you really think it's good to use that tone with me?

She took a step back, as Y/N continue

Y/N: I will only finish this singularity, and then go on my own. Until then, I promise I won't bring any harm to any of you

Olga: ........

Caster: Through all of my years of Servant, I learned something. A Grand Servant promise isn't something to take lightly. If he said it, he will keep it

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