Burn Without You Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The next morning however, did not go as planned. Your family, Serhan's family and Merrattah's family as well as Oathresh were all called to the Sultanate Quarter Court first thing in the morning.

"What's going on?" You whispered to Serhan as you arrived shortly after she and Merrattah did while everyone else was already there and seated and murmuring amongst themselves.

"I don't know, but Rasime has been whipping the entire court into an uproar." Serhan breathed as she looked anxious yet angry.

"The fact that there are five High Councilors here, including the three that the Sultanate Quarter keeps on the High Council, can not bode well." Merrattah pointed out as she joined the circle before all three of you along with Oathresh were called before the not just the council of Elders for the Quarter but also the High Councilor's above them as Rasime looked especially smug as a knot formed in your stomach as all three of you came and knelt respectfully onto the cushions provided for the three of you while Oathresh was given a seat since by Sultanate Quarter Custom, a man could sit before a Council of Elders but women had to kneel.

"This is an emergency meeting to call the entire Sultanate Quarter into order." High Councilor Langashi explained.

"Since the division of the Sultanate Quarter from a private pool for the remaining Sultanate States and the others who remain, who became reclassified as open class, and in light of the three of you accepting the very generous offer from Yekmeni. There is a motion to distinct the two classes further." High Councilor Langashi began, while both of your grandfathers sat further down the line and both of them had grim looks on their faces.

"Any offer to any bride by a second class being will never again be offered or answered by the Sultanate Quarter unless that bride is prepared to outcast by the quarter and join the generalley quarter from this moment on." Hasim, Rasime's father and Head Elder of the Council of Elders for the Sultanate Quarter dictated as Serhan and Merrattah and yourself nearly passed out and fell over from the shock as everyone gasped before you looked to Oathresh.

"This is preposterous! Just because you have misgivings about the offer, does not mean you can make a law and pass it for the whole quarter!" Oathresh immediately defended as he stood up and took his place between Serhan, Merrattah and yourself.

"The fact that you even fought for such a match, is shameful enough, but to endanger the Sultanate Quarter from the blight of introducing the disgusting filth of those non native orcs, to the point that once these three women who had the potential, to be so much more than just a lowly warchieftess, each bride, in so agreeing to the match, should they bear half orc offspring, they will never again be welcomed back into the Sultanate Quarter, neither they or their offspring by orcs." Hasim declared as he read it from the draft of the legislation that had been drawn up so far.

"No! Not warchieftesses..." Oathresh began before you grabbed him by the corner of his jacket and yanked him to get his attention.

"We need to take council before another word is said." You insisted to him urgently.

"Very well, a private council is wished by the brides who agreed to the offer. Please, to a private room, away from the prying eyes and ears of the entire court." Oathresh suggested respectfully before that was allowed and you, Serhan and Merrattah all got up and followed Oathresh into the elder's room, along with the councilors.

"Now, who in here knows the entire offer?" You asked Oathresh,

"Only the High Councilor's, I haven't had a chance to explain it to the rest of the quarter's Elders."

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