Burn Without You Chapter 15

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Burn Without You

Chapter 15

Meanwhile your rooms were the only rooms that had peace in them. The moment Thobin left your room he put sentinels at your door and was happy that Seyda was still hanging around outside with them as he had put your own stone into a deep sleep mode so that nothing would disturb you tonight until an hour before Lukher would wake up the following morning.

"Do not let anyone besides Seyda or myself into that room, kill anyone who tries." Thobin rumbled dangerously to the sentinels who nodded and took up a position where their hands were on their weapons.

"That bad?" Seyda asked with a wince.

"Yes," Thobin nodded.

"My room is only here. My own guards will let me know if she needs me." Seyda said as she gestured to a room only a few paces away.

"Good, get in it, and don't come out until your own guards say it's safe, there's a firewar burning." He told her as Seyda gulped as her eyes got large.

"Should I be ready to flee?" Seyda whispered as she came up to him and stared up to him with fear filling her eyes.

"I will do all I can to keep things from getting out of control tonight, but who knows what might happen tomorrow. I put Audrey into a deep sleep, only the most violent of earthquakes would wake her." Thobin said.

"I see, good luck. You will have to be Audrey's voice now, make sure it is heard." Seyda insisted as she reached out and squeezed his hand to ground herself as he squeezed back with equal pressure to reassure her.

"Of course." Thobin nodded. "Get some sleep Seyda, your Lady will need you tomorrow, let me know when you are ready for sleep, and I will put you into a deep sleep as well." He offered.

"Thank you." Seyda thanked him before she released him and went to her own room, her own sentinels standing guard by her door before Seyda used her own tether stone to signal she was ready before Thobin put her into a deep sleep as well as Thobin strode purposefully in Ashurah's direction because she was alone in Irelu's room but her captain and his first commander were outside of it and listening in as he let his instincts direct him to where she was.

Meanwhile Ashurah was in Irelu's room and cussing him out.

"Why didn't you fucking tell me Lukher was deaf and only understood sign language?!" Ashurah screamed as hot, angry tears streamed down her cheeks as she picked up the closest thing and hurled it at him which Irelu quickly caught and put down as he tried to calm her down by talking her down, even though to see her in a primal rage was strangely turning him on too because everything about her had for the last three months and keeping a respectful distance physically had been his own greatest battle he had ever fought and he had hoped that tonight's wedding would have led to his own success in the next stage of his relationship with her but he was very mistaken the moment he even hinted at it.

"Because his mother, who is Clan Chieftess ordered me not to! I could not disobey her, she pugs anyone who crosses her! And my own mother could not save me from that." Irelu repeated.

"Bullshit! That's the worst fucking bullshit that's ever come from your mouth! I am the official translator, it was my responsibility that Audrey would be able to flawlessly communicate with her groom! And because of of this, I have failed spectacularly! I let her down because all of you let us down! And because you chose to follow an order by a woman in authority who was ordered by man who lived in so much cowering fear he couldn't speak to his own gods damned fiance face to face to tell her the truth until he was struggling to say his own wedding vows to her and it was only way too late for Audrey to back out and ordered all of you to lie to our faces for the last three and a half months!" Ashurah accused as she picked up something else and aimed for his head and threw as hard as she could as Irelu once again caught it before it made contact with his head and simply let it fall down onto his bed's soft surface so it wouldn't break.

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