Chapter 1

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Chester: You did a great job rookie.

He... Did he call me rookie? No. I... I haven't been called that since... The war... I-I can't... H-he called me rookie...

Chester: Would you mind taking a few pictures?

Me: Huh? Oh... I-I have to head back...

After that, Niko and I left and went back to the office.

Lottie: Good job Brownie. Here's 25,000 poki. You earned it.

I took the money she gave me a bit shyly. I haven't fully warmed up to Lottie yet, only she's really nice to me.

Me: Th-thank you Lottie...

Niko: Something actually happened earlier Lottie.

Lottie: What's that Niko?

Niko: After Chester told Brownie that he liked what she did she got really nervous.

Lottie: Weird. Is everything alright Brownie?

Me: Y-yeah... I-I'm fine...

Lottie: Okay then. Do you wanna call it a day or do you wanna work a little longer?

Me: I-I think I'll take a break...

Lottie: Okay, you do that then.

I left the office to go wander around the island then I remembered that the music fest was still going on so I went to the hospital instead, I didn't want to be around a bunch of people and my hearing is sensitive. Even though I'm trapped in the form of a human, I still have my wolf hearing. I like to hang out at the hospital anyways, my best friend is the doctor. I went into the exam room to say hi to her. The hospital was empty and she looked really bored so I figured she could use someone to talk to.

Me: Hi Vivian.

Vivian: Hey Brownie. You're off work right now?

Me: Yeah. Are you bored?

Vivian: Yeah, I just can't stop thinking about the festival. Is it really as good as everyone says it is?

Me: I don't know. I didn't go to it.

Vivian: Oh yeah. I forgot you're really shy and have hearing sensitivity.

I don't really have hearing sensitivity, I'm just a wolf.

Vivian:*as someone comes in the room* I better get back to work.

Me: Okay, bye.

Vivian: Bye Brownie.

I left Paradice Planning after that and went home. Well, not to Mobius only I went to my home in this world. I ran to my house as fast as I could... Then I stopped running right before I got to my house. Running... Fast... I-I... I should've just walked... Running reminded me of Sonic... I didn't want to think about him... Not now that is... I went into my house and sat in front of my gyroids and listened to the sounds they made and I heard a knock on my door.

Myra: Hey Brownie, it's Myra. Can I come in?

Brownie: S-sure...

Myra walked in and over to me and sat next to me.

Myra: Is something wrong?

Me: N-no...

Myra: Are you sure?

Me: N-no...

Myra: What's wrong?

Me: N-nothing... I just was c-called something... I-it reminded me of something that h-happened to me a while ago...

Myra: What's that?

Me: Nothing...

Myra: Okay. Well, I gotta go. Nice gyroids by the way.

Me: Th-thank you... Bye...

Myra: Bye.

Myra left and I sat there listening to the gyroids. I heard a familiar sound and I went to the window to see what I heard. I couldn't figure out what I had heard,I only saw a dig spot so I went to dig it up. I dug up a very familiar gem. It was making a humming sound then I figured out what it was. I found one of the phantom ruby prototypes. I thought they were all destroyed. I looked at it and it faintly glowed and I saw something. I saw my sister and her boyfriend. My sister was holding a baby wolf that was very small and she looks like her eyes had just opened. The baby had blonde fur with a bit of black and her eyes were gold. Then I could see what was really happening. I was still on my knees by the hole with the prototype in my hands. I put dirt in the hole again and went back inside. Before I went inside, Bianca came over to me.

Bianca: Hey, is something wrong?

Me: What do you mean?

Bianca: You dug that gem up then your eyes turned white and you almost fell over.

Me: I'm fine Bianca.

Bianca: Are you sure?

Me: Yeah... I'm fine...

I went inside my house after that and I decided to lay down for a bit. At some point I must've passed out and I slipped into a strange dream.

(Brownies Dream)

I woke up in a dark room and I was a wolf again. I saw my cousin and a green cat. She works for Eggman though. I tried to talk to them only they couldn't hear me. They left after a bit and I walked towards them to follow them only instead I found Whisper and Zero again. The baby was by Whispers feet only she was a bit older and there were 2 other babies. These babies were jackals though. The boy had blue eyes and black and white fur with a bit of blonde at the tips. The girls eyes weren't open yet and she also had black and white fur with some blonde in it. Only the blonde was at her scalp and the tips of her ears. Then I figured out what that was. Whisper and Zero got married and have kids. That would make sense. I found one of the phantom ruby prototypes and Zero might as well literally breathe phantom energy and the last time I saw them they were dating. That might be what it was.


I woke up in my bed on Earth in the alternate dimension I'm trapped in and I was human again. I got up and left. I decided to try and figure out how to get to Mobius and my dimension. I was wandering around and I found a chaos emerald then after that everything went dark.

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