Chapter 3

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I woke up in Mystic Jungle and Storm was next to me. She squeaked and startled me. I looked at her then she pawed at my tail. I noticed it and then I realized that I was back in my dimension and on Mobius again. I got up and I walked around Mystic Jungle and I found an abandoned werewolf den. I remembered being here. I looked around the place. There was blood smeared on the walls and there were bones scattered across the ground. There was a spot where the dirt was messed with and there was something written in the dirt. It said that the last alpha was buried there. She had died during the war when Eggman tried to conquer the world. I left because this place brings back too many memories to me. I went to find my way home and when I did, my cousin found me.

Gadget: Brownie?

I turned to look at him and I ran over to my cousin and I hugged him.

?????: Who's she Gadget?

I looked at her and I saw it was Kitten. She was holding two babies. One was a girl with red fur, blue eyes, and a wolf. The other was a boy with green fur, gold eyes and a cat.

Gadget: She's my cousin Kitten.

Kitten: Okay.

Gadget took the boy from Kitten and the baby was messing with his tail. I was confused why she cared who I am.

Gadget: Hey Brownie, these guys are Amber and Andrew.

Me: They're cute.

Storm walked over to Gadget and squeaked.

Gadget: Hey Storm.

Me: You know who she is?

Gadget: Yeah. She's Whisper and Zeros' daughter's pet. Where'd you find her?

Me: She found me.

Gadget: Whisper said that Lightning's been acting a bit weird without Storm.

Me: Lightning?

Kitten: Their daughters name is Lightning.

I hid behind Gadget. Kitten doesn't scare me a lot only she does a bit and I'm just really shy.

Kitten: I'm not going to hurt you.

Gadget: She's just really shy.

(Time skip)

I went to say hi to my sister because I haven't seen her in a while. I knocked on the door and a toddler answered the door.

?????: Hi.

Me: Where's you mom?

?????: MOM!

I covered my ears when she yelled that and Whisper came out there.

Whisper: Is that you Brownie?

Me: Yeah, it's me.

Whisper hugged me really tight and I hugged her back.

Whisper: Where have you been?

Me: I was on another planet in another dimension.

Whisper looked at me like I was crazy after I told her that and the babies I saw in my dream came over to Whisper and Whisper picked them up.

Me: Who are they?

Whisper: This is Thunder and Lightning.

Lightning pointed at the ground and Whisper set them down. Then Thunder started messing with his tail and Lightning nipped at his ear when he wasn't paying attention to her. I'm surprised that she knew where he was, her eyes weren't open yet.

Whisper: Lightning, don't do that.

Me: I found this little guy.

I handed Whisper Storm and she took her.

Whisper: Here's Storm Lightning.

Whisper set Storm down by Lightning and Lightning gently hugged Storm.

Lightning: Hi Storm.

Storm squeaked at Lightning and licked her face then Lightning giggled. Then Thunder sat up and somehow Lightning knew because she tackled him and nipped his ear again. Thunder started crying a bit because Lightning was hurting him then Whisper scratched Lightnings ear and made her stop biting Thunder then Whisper picked her up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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