Chapter 2

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I woke up in front of my house and the chaos emerald that I found was next to me. I picked it up and I heard someone coming so I hid it. My phone started ringing so I answered it and it was Lottie. She told me that I was late for work so I left to go to the resort. When I got there, Niko, Lottie, and Wardel watched me walk into the office.

Lottie: Are you okay Brownie?

Me: Yes...

Wardel: ... Are you sure?

Me: Yes... Why?

Niko: You seemed pretty shaken yesterday.

Lottie: What happened?

Me: N-nothing...

Lottie: Okay. Well, better get to work.

I changed into my uniform.

Me: There's one other thing I gotta tell you guys.

Niko: What's that Brownie?

Me: I might move soon.

Lottie: Where to?

Me: Somewhere very far away...

Niko: You'll still be able to come here though. Right?

Me: No...

Lottie: Will you still be able to call us?

Me: Maybe.

I left the office after that and designed 10 vacation homes today then I left only before I did, I ran into Chester.

Chester: Hey rookie.

When he said that, I got really nervous... I saw my whole life from the war flash in front of my eyes... I heard Knickles, Sonic, Infinite... I got really scared after that... I blocked out the rest of the world... I felt my feet fall from the ground and I felt the sand on my skin and the world around me became black...

(Time Skip)

Vivian: What happened Chester?

Chester: I don't know. She just fainted.

I opened my eyes and I was in the hospital. I sat up and Vivian pushed me back down.

Vivian: Just lay down Brownie. From what Chester said and the bruise on your head, you hit the ground pretty hard.

Me: I-I'm fine Vivian...

Vivian: You're shaking. Is something scaring you?

Me: N-no...

Vivian: You sound scared.

Me: I-I'm not...

I got up and went to leave, only Vivian grabbed my wrist.

Vivian: Before you go, take this medicine. It'll help.

Me: O-okay...

I took the medicine that Vivian gave me and left. I went to go and find a way to get back to my real home.

(Time skip)

I woke up in my bed and I saw a very small creature laying on me. The creature had black and red fur and black eyes. I sat up and the creature was in my lap. The little guy squeaked at me then crawled off me. The creature grabbed my nook phone and typed in it "My name is Storm. I am a female creature from your home planet and dimension. I know you're a wolf." I looked at Storm and I was curious how she knew how to type. She doesn't even have thumbs. She's cute though. I pet her and she started purring. She typed on my phone that she knew how to get me back home. After she typed that I couldn't see.

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