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how does one's lips curl from another's success?

you never understood how people enjoy a love one's pleasure, it doesn't make sense. it doesn't seem true- trustworthy; and yet you crave that feeling of someone being proud of your work, your efforts, someone who'd willingly take their time to make you feel appreciated and seen.

all those time of you hunting for that validation suddenly faded when you met the katsuki bakugo, someone who is full of pride and ego but never fails to make you smile.

you looked up to each other, no hint of bitterness in your words;

it's all real.


monday, 7:23am

everyone entered the room, nostalgia rushing through their veins as they smile, seeing familiar faces of their classmates. a year difference made everyone look so mature, it's not so bad after all.

some had new hair styles, grew a beard- (no), discovered eyeliner, and most? remained the same, loyal to their intentions as they pick their seats, shifting their heads to one's conversations, the expressions on their faces oh so comfortable, it almost made you a tiny bit overwhelmed.

“'kira?- HOLY SHIT BRO I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU SINCE FOREVER” denki's familiar loud voice cracked, spotting her.

obviously the whole room heard, turning heads and noticing the slight hair change of akira's, compliments and admiration filled the laughters of some.

yet only one scoffed.

“hey mop-hair.” a raspy voice whispered behind her, she immediately rolled her eyes, knowing who the culprit is- letting out a chuckle as she turns her eyes up to him, realizing how tall he suddenly is.

“..what?” she managed to stutter out, what kind of steroids is he on??

she shakes her head, getting her thoughts back together as she squints, teasing him. “i didn't know chihuahuas like you can grow.. are you potty-trained now?" her voice taunting.

“c'mon man, can you at least appreciate how gorgeous her hair looks? i mean, not as gorgeous as l-” he almost choked out a name, coughing a little to hide it, denki went and lean on his chair while giving katsuki a frown.

“shut up, i'm not talking to you.” he swings his bag down his desk, unfortunately he was seated beside you to the left, a perfect view of his jaw, rough posture, and the way his eyebrows are scrunched together with his own grin. cute.

however, the blonde's reflexes also affects his sight, catching you off guard from your stare, tilting his head aside whilst pretending that your pretty eyes didn't make him feel something.


lunch time<3

chatter, chatter, chatter. that's all you can hear when you entered the cafeteria, tables with different groups of people as you try to find one that'll fit you. there's one that caught your eye though; close to the exit door with the slight sunlight shining through, fun friends sat with a sort of interesting seating pattern.

there was katsuki, leean, denki, and ryu. fun, right? loud blondes and two idiotic simps. <3

you walked towards them, not showing much of your eagerness- slowly taking your tray of food down, pushing ryu slightly aside so you're intentionally sat beside him. “hi cum-head.” you said with much sarcasm between your words.

meanwhile, denki's arm is wrapped around leean's waist as they both eat, glancing at each other with sparkles in their eyes, the way that there's so much space and yet they choose to be close to each other almost made ryu throw up, gross.

although there was still a ringing in his ears, katsuki looked over to your hair again, thinking how it's not that bad- but what's bothering him is how ryu kept talking you, something about that makes him ick.

“hey kacchan, me and lee-lee are going to the mall after school but her mom didn't allow her without supervision so- why don't you come with us and bring 'kira with you? y'know, pretend that you're.. adults?” he suggested with a sly grin before stuffing his mouth with 7 dumplings at once. “yeah, it'd be like- a double date!" you choked hearing that.

“double date my ass.” he slurred, looking away with his brows furrowed, somehow considering it.

“pleaseeee? just this once, then i'll stop messaging your mom.” he whined, putting on a weird face attempting to convince the guy.

“fine. if she agrees, ..do you?" he turned to look at you, slightly tilting his head for your answer, ignoring the way the couple in front of you plead with their eyes, “sure, but you're driving me.” you smirk, drinking the last bit of your juice before getting up.

this will be interesting. <3



i love katanna n kamleean.

F for ryu since he was ignored and is uninvited AHAJCNAJS

word count: 811 words<3

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