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ryū, origin.

he stood up, trembling. trying to ask for forgiveness, “please.” he thought, begging as his voice shakes, looking into his sister's eyes whilst his heart shatters.

“please don't leave me..”

he couldn't even think of other words to stutter out, he knew that he couldn't do anything about it, their gaze, words, and intentions didn't mean anything to him- his father. “shut the fuck up, and stop yelling like a girl. i already told you, she doesn't mean anything!” he yelled violently, throwing a harsh slap to the poor boy.

he couldn't move. the voices and ringing in his head intensifies and he doesn't know how to make them go away.

she's gone.”

“she's not your sister anymore.”


“you're a bad brother.”


present day. <3

“ryu? wake up! are you okay?” akira's voice made him snap out of his thoughts, their head pounding a little as he looked up at her worried frown. “you suddenly fainted mid-training, are you sick?”

he blinked, noticing how katsuki stood tall behind you, somehow acting like a bodyguard, he isn't so sure. “no, no- just.. maybe too tired, i'm alright.. you can go ahead and continue-” he tried to stand up, and failed. “dumbass, aizawa already made us go to you so don't waste our time." suddenly grabbing him; trying to be gentle but we know the man isn't aware of his strength (or does he). “he didn't make us, katsuki. we're just.. good people?”

ryu felt safer, the bad and scary thoughts fading away as he tried to walk with katsuki and 'kira's guide. “yeah, very good people- thanks..” he sighed, smiling a little as the other groaned, resting his eyes as he slowly went to open the nurse's office.

“cum head- i mean ryu; is staying here until next period.” 'kira stated, slightly chuckling from the nickname. “until next period? WHAT. but that's when i get to see mei-”

and they left. i guess they're that much of a good, protective friend.


“you should flick your wrist outwards.”

“huh?” akira looked back, and to her surprise, they saw how katsuki catches his breath, gulping the last bit of his water as he observes, making her freeze just a little seeing how heavily he breathes. “the way you hold your sword would be easier if you flicked your wrist downwards too but, you'll attack precisely that way, wouldn't wanna stab yourself, don't you?” he says with a hushed tone.

“i know what i'm doing, stop watching me weirdo.” he smirked as a response, his slight fangs showing (yes) making her get back to what she was doing and ignore him.

leean and denki did nothing but play with their quirks, not really interested on the actual training, though it's helping them both control it. he extracts electricity into a phone whilst she tries manipulating his controls, accidentally making a pœrn video pop up on the screen. “DENKI STOP THE VOLUME IS FULL-” they choked, the panic in their eyes heightened as he threw the phone from shock. “what the fuck- AHSNAHDNA”

“you two. get back to training.”
“yes sir.” they said in unison, their laughter stopping.


despite the challenges they both went through, ryu and akira are the bestest of friends, the history of how they met is still unsolved though their relationship with one another is unbreakable. the things they share, the moments they cherish, and the things they chose not the talk about only made them stronger as they heal.

“w-was the last punch necessary?” the poor boy whined, tiny lightning sparks surrounding him as he plops down the ground, hugging himself whilst also trying to catch his breath. “aaaaaa-”

“it wasn't but it's fun” 'kira tucks stray hair strands behind her ear, dusting off her clothes as she stayed unfazed. “pfft- get up” she reached her hand down for his, helping him up effortlessly. a sudden ‘tch’ sound from katsuki as he sat awkwardly beside leean on a bench; obviously with a weird gap between them, waiting for the two. they turned their head at him, also noticing what bothered the blonde. “i hate that too, don't worry..”

“HEY EVERYONE YOUR FAVOURITE BITCH IS BACK-” ryu yelled, running towards the group, adding comfort to the noise as usual. it's only five of them left there, the others went to go home earlier since it is a friday, just wanted to rest. “what's with the faces? let's go get ramen, my treat.” the tall one added as they all wondered where the energy came from.


a/n this is cute. (without the first bit lol)
totally will be writing more bakugo and leean sharing a single braincell

anyways, everything is going too good, i wanna ruin it.
word count: 795

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