ideas based on Vidia

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i'm not good at this and i don't know what we should
call the tittle but if you know a tittle tell me but it
should be related to Vidia's talent

i'm aware half of the main focus was on Vidia
in the 3rd movie called "The Great Fairy Rescue"
but she had to share a movie WITH Tinkerbell and
Lizzy so Vidia deserves her own movie completely
based on her since she deserves her own movie

all fairies goes to the mainland to change the
seasons (to me summer makes more sense because
of the storm, just like the great fairy rescue movie)

Tinkerbell and her friends appears more just like in
the 3rd movie as a supporter ones, Terence should
be more in the role too, i mean it's all about safety of
others and i think Terence does a better job at this
then others does (besides Vidia herself who like
always makes sure Tinkerbell stays out of trouble
in most Tinkerbell movies especially the 3rd one)

nothing seems to be wrong as everyone is doing
duties and stuff to bring the seasons to the world
but then Silvermist smells bad weathers that is
coming on the mainland (i mean she's a water fairy
that knows when bad weathers are coming)

everyone is preparing for the bad weathers, the
storm included, eventually it's there and everyone
need to take a shelter because it's not safe outside
Vidia ask Terence if he can keep Tinkerbell save
because Vidia is the only one that can save the
storm, forces of natures and everything else
so she needs what she have to do so others
won't get hurt with the bad weathers,

Terence nodded and understand where this is
coming from and tells her he'll do everything
to keep Tinkerbell safe, the others take a
shelter too, but Tinkerbell doesn't seem to
agree to this and despites others telling her
it's dangerous trying to stop her she still
goes OUT of shelter to look for Vidia

Vidia then have to think up a plan to stop
the strong weathers till Tinkerbell shows up
Vidia of course isn't too thrilled Tinkerbell
goes against the rules like the usual and
ask Tinkerbell kind of....angry you call it?
what Tinkerbell is doing outside and about
not supposed to get outside because it's
dangerous and stuff, Tinkerbell doesn't
care and says the same thing to Vidia

Vidia then tells her she have to do what is
right and explains to Tinkerbell it's for the best
and tells her she HAVE to save the mainland
Tinkerbell disagrees and points out that it's
dangerous for Vidia too, but then something
bad is happening to Tinkerbell (a tree that was
about to clash on her or something or the
storm that knocks Tink out)
and became
unconciouss, Vidia having to take Tinkerbell
at the healing talent fairies

Silvermist, Fawn, Rosetta, iridessa and Terence
shows up, Vidia feels so bad about it she kind
of argued with Tinkerbell when in reality it
wasn't her fault, it was Tink's fault she goes
against the rules, nobody could stop her
from not going outside to look for Vidia i
mean at the end of it all they are still friends
Vidia just didn't wanted bad things to happen
to Tinkerbell, Vidia just does a poor job at
doing that making these 2 to argue about
doing the right thing

the storm is getting worse and Vidia just knows
what to do finally and knows the concenquences
with each decisions she HAVE to make to save
the mainland from the strong weathers, she'll
risk everything no matter what, so she did what
she have to do, eventually the mainland was
saved but Vidia is in a bad condition, it kind of
puts Vidia in a coma, Tink feels so bad and
admits for what she did was wrong and wants
to apologize to Vidia, i mean she was right
about like everything she told Tinkerbell
and hopes it's not too late for that, (Vidia is
not the person who will stay mad at others
though, no matter what)

the doctor won't know if Vidia is gonna
survive it or not, that's unknown, everyone
gave each others a sad look, Tink and Terence
hugs each other, Terence knows how much
it matters to Tinkerbell and tells her everything
is gonna be alright, Tinkerbell feels guilty the last
time she spoke to Vidia, Vidia ALWAYS wants what's
best for Tinkerbell even when she have poor ways
of showing it at times, Tink disobeys Vidia most
of the times because you know how stubborn
Tinkerbell is, she won't listen to others most of
the times in like almost each movies (the others
hugged each others aswell)

days has passed by and Vidia regains her
consciousness and find it a relief everything is
all over, when Tinkerbell sees Vidia awake she
goes to Vidia and own her an apology for the way
she reacted but then Vidia apologize and protested
it was Vidia's fault that Tinkerbell got knocked out
because of the storm, they both are feeling so bad
for the way they were fighting about, but to Vidia
it didn't mattered anymore because it's all over now
and hugged each other tightly (i can imagine these
2 crying but yet smiled because neither these 2
wants to end a friendship just because of the fights)

Vidia knows Tinkerbell just cares for Vidia and she
knows that, she knows Tink way too well sometimes
Vidia tells her that but points out she didn't wanted
bad thing to happen to Tinkerbell, that's the reason
why Vidia protested about the whole weather and
safety thing, but then the others goes to Vidia to
see her awake and got in a group hugs (even Terence)
Terence is just happy to see Vidia awake

i don't know about the epilogue scene though but
i thought on something like that on my mind i just
don't know about the others with the scene with
what to do about the storm but i want them to
appear more, just like they did in the 3rd movie
and i want Terence to be included aswell, it can
make it look like Clank and Bobble are TOO busy
to be appear in this movie (i have on my mind)
at all, these 2 guys completely dissapear, just
like in the final Tinkerbell movie

i'm not so good with the plot ideas but this is
what came up to me unless you have better
ideas then this but i want it based on Vidia
with her talent and strong weathers fits with
Vidia's talent to be honest

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