ideas based on Zarina

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okay i'm the LEAST creative in this one because
it HAVE to be based on Zarina's talent so it's
gonna be the hardest one but i think i should
start now, so without going any further:

for the very first time everyone is just about to
celebrate halloween, making scary food and
drinks, wearing costume and mask, even wigs
Rosetta definitely can make an pumpkin as the
Garden fairy one (did you remember at the start
of the 2nd movie at the opening scene Rosetta
grew an pumpkin? i did remembered)
can decorate pixie hollow with an Halloween theme

Tinkerbell and her friends are helping out, both
Tinkerbell and Zarina are doing their instructions
and tells everyone what to do so it's all ready for
halloween, it's 1 week before halloween when
they have to get ready for halloween

~now 1 week later at the end of oktober~

everything is all there, it's this time Zarina that
has brought it into an idea instead of Tinkerbell
(i can imagine the pirates telling Zarina it back
to when she joined the grew in "the pirate fairy"
before she stole the pixie dust and became mean
for like a year untill she found out she was used)

it's all in there, they did the halloween disco theme
after the disco and scary food, Lyria has told them
all the story about halloween and everything (they
goes to the theatre for that when Lyria has told
them all the story but where the disco is at it's
up to Disney unless you know a place where
they can throw an halloween party at)

now they are all playing halloween games
there are assignments and everything

~1 day later just when they put the decorations
from halloween away, washing up their things
and stuff it has duties to do~

but just then the danger occurs like an actual
monster that is putting pixie hollow in danger
and it's all up to Zarina to save pixie hollow and
destroys it, Tinkerbell and her fairy friends joins
in since their talents can be useful and Tink
knows how to deal with the adventures so she
might can tell others what to do to destroy the
monster, everyone else is hiding from the monster
(the member of the group isn't afraid to face
the monster and deals with the problems they
are about to struggle, i mean it's not the first
time the members have to deal with the
problems, they went into adventures before)

it will be just like in "The Pirate Fairy" one expect
they won't have to deal with their talent getting
switched, it's an talking monster though, but it
all ends well after like a few hours, Zarina is able
to neutralize it and the others were able to destroy
it aswell using their talent skills

everything returns back to normal and everyone is able
to clean stuff up once Tinkerbell and her friends told the
Queen and everyone else that it's safe since the monster
is gone so they can clean stuff up a little, also the mess
the monster made that it's everywhere, but it all ends
up good and pixie hollow is just as good as new

it's kind of a Zarina movie just like in the 5th
Tinkerbell movie and the girls appeared almost
as much as like in "The Pirate Fairy" Zarina
just a little more though, 7 or so minutes more

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