Introduction A/N

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Hey there readers, how are you all? <3
Welcome to the oneshot book! :]

This will probably have slow updates, as I'm sure all the writers here understand what motivation is like /lh

As stated in the description, here you'll find both Steve Saga & Steve Saga Origins oneshots!
(Probably more Steve Saga Origins ones, because SSO crew our beloveds, but there will hopefully be plenty of both)

As always, let's cover what I will and won't write :]

>What I won't write<

•"Incest" ships. {By that I mean ships like Time X Elemental, Galaxy X Void, etc}
•X Readers & X OCs {I have nothing against X readers or X OCs, I just don't plan to write them in this book}

That's- that's basically it-
Unless I've missed something, which could be possible, but I think that's it :]

>What I will write<

Literally anything that wasn't mentioned in the bit before this /hj

But I'll write the following:
•Platonic ships/friendships
•Family dynamics
•Romantic ships.
•Slight limes, maybe? {Unsure on this one}
+ Maybe some chapters that don't exactly have a category, or contain multiple of the above.

>Oneshot Info<

All of the information for the oneshots (such as the characters used, oneshot type, word count, etc) will be found in the A/N at the beginning of each chapter!
Along with that, any TWs I think are needed will go in the beginning A/N of each chapter respectively.


Requests — Open ^^
{Note - It may take a while for your request to be completed, depending on my motivation to write it /lh}

When requests are open, and let's say you wanna request something for SS, please go to the chapter titled "☆Steve Saga☆". Whilst it does act as a placeholder, it'll also be where I'm taking all requests for SS.
Same thing goes for SSO; when requests are open and you have an SSO request, go to the chapter titled "𑁍Steve Saga Origins𑁍" and put your request in the comments.

{Note - You can also check if requests are open or closed in the mentioned chapters}

I have zero idea when the first oneshot will come out, hopefully it'll be this week, but no promises.
And hey, whilst we're here—thank you to all the readers for being awesome and checking this book out! :D

With that being said, I'm pretty sure that's everything we need to cover!

>15/11/22 Edit<

Lmao nope, I've just now decided that wasn't actually everything; I'm actually going to shamelessly plug something I've spent three hours making :D

I'm opening a discord server!! :DD

Would you like me to list some perks of being a server member? If not, lmao too bad, here's some features of the server! ^^

-Server members can and will get spoilers for books I'm working on👀
-There's plenty of channels to chat in! [There's almost 50 chats I believe, you won't get bored]
-There's an entire section dedicated to Sabre's content, so all of the fellow Sabre enjoyers can chat about his series' :D
-There's also places you can promote and share your own work!
-You'll meet some amazing people
-The staff are amazing <3
-I spent a while on it, I'd love for you all to check it out
-Please /hj

But seriously, Enchanted Forest is gonna be a great server, however it can't be that without members, without you guys. So if you have discord, why not join us?

Link —

Incase the link here doesn't end up working, I'll paste it in the comments too, along with making an announcement on my page. I hope you to see you there! ^^

Okay, now that's everything haha, shameless plug out of the way too. That's all for now, and I'll see you all when the first oneshot comes out!

So, readers, have a great day/night, and I'll see you all in the first oneshot!
Buh-byeeee! :D

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