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We're starting off the book with a remake of one of my personal favourite oneshots from the old book—Thunderstorms! :D

I don't think I did the concept justice when I wrote it in the past, so I thought I may as well remake it and see how it goes. Besides, if there's any readers here from the old oneshot book, it'll be a familiar concept to start off with, which is pretty perfect to me lol-

In other words, we're starting off with a hurt/comfort fic featuring Rainbow and Prof. Red :]

Anyways, here's the characters for today's chapter,
-Rainbow Steve
-Professor Red
-Blue Steve (mentioned)

There's luckily not many TWs for this chapter, however I've marked one down just to be safe;
-Brief mention of a panic attack

Enough rambling, let's just get into the chapter!
Enjoy :]

Thunderstorms [1770]

The sound of rain pattering on the windows filled the mostly silent living room, along with the quiet crackle of the lit fireplace as it's amber flames flickered and danced inside it. All windows in the house were misted over from the outside with condensation, yet the ever darkening clouds above could still be seen clearly.

Rainbow stared at the window to his right, watching as droplets landed on the glass panes and silently slid down, eventually falling to rest on the windowsills or getting caught by the grass below. He yawned quietly, blinking away the tiredness that seeped into him.

Most of his day consisted of training in the appropriately named 'training room', which resided in the lower parts of the basement, also known as the laboratory. He started a few hours before midday, Blue accompanying him at first, giving him advice and gently reminding him that if he kept pushing himself too far he'd most likely pass out from the strain of it all.
..which he may have done once during that session, Blue being quick to catch him so he didn't hit the floor.

They took a break after that, Rainbow getting lightly scolded by Blue for pushing his limits after he awoke again, before the latter relayed that he was going out for a while to gather more recourses for them as they were running low.

Soon after, Rainbow went back to training, being joined by Professor Red not long after; both to track his progress, and to make sure he didn't pass out again.

It was now early evening, around five to be exact, and Rainbow stifled another yawn as the tiredness became harder to ignore. He finally turned his attention away from the window, and glanced to the steve on his left.

Professor Red was sitting at the other end of the couch, the arm being occupied by a computer that Red was typing on, along with a bunch of notes and folders that Red's arm was resting on. He was concentrated on his work, as he usually was. Rainbow wondered what it is he was working on, but decided against asking. For being their friend, Professor Red was quite the reserved person, especially when it came to his work.

Rainbow was dragged out of his thoughts when he picked up on the increase of volume from the weather, and he glanced back to the window. The rain had suddenly starting pouring down much faster than before, the water droplets hitting everything with more force.

The Professor's voice startled him as it broke the silence between them, "Somebody upset Mother Nature." He joked, not looking up from his computer. The multicoloured steve turned to look at him, his fright dissipating. "I guess so." He replied, stifling yet another yawn, bringing one of his hands up to rub at his eyes. The other spared him a glance as he did so. "You should sleep if you're that tired."

Rainbow couldn't agree more, actually. He felt exhausted, maybe pushing himself to stay awake until Blue got back wasn't the smartest idea.

He didn't reply to the other steve, he simply curled up as his head fell to rest on the arm of the sofa, adjusting the blanket so it was securely wrapped around him. Red watched him to make sure he was comfortable, before promptly returning to typing away at his computer.

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